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8 Votes

Horns Out! Hard Carry Enchantress

October 3, 2013 by higgins
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DioX (1) | May 4, 2017 10:02am
good guide but somehow she's not fit on that meta right now.
Glenn T (1) | October 29, 2013 8:17am
I just tried this build in a game earlier and I dominated with 17/4. I hesitated to try it out because my Enchantress is just absolutely horrible - but now that I've tried it I will definitely be playing Enchantress more in a carry role. An awesome, fun way to play her :D
Wisdomseyes1 (8) | October 5, 2013 12:08am
I think there is a major misconception on this site about how well a hero can kill and what support and carry mean...

Enchantress is usually regarded as a farming support hero, or "number 3". She gets farm but she doesn't need a lot. She kills heroes fairly well and does massive amounts of damage, but that doesn't make her a carry. It just means she hits really hard
connor4893 (2) | October 4, 2013 8:29pm
As far as I can tell, there's no unique identity to this build. Additionally, there's no intelligent design.

Down vote.
xCO2 (72) | October 4, 2013 7:33am
Coincidentally I have a good friend with the surname Higgins, which is pretty funny because I was arguing with him the other day about a build. No doubt no relation, I just found it a little humorous. In regards to your guide I think Sando said a lot of what was needed to be said, it is a good effort but I think the idea behind it is a bit flawed. I'll address the guide from top to bottom to keep the criticism relevant to how its displayed, if I don't go into detail on something that you disagree with feel free to challenge it and ask.

Starting with the cheat sheet, it really bugged me how limited your items were displayed. Some situational pick-ups can really help a player, things like BKB, Linken's Sphere, Urn of Shadows, Necronomicon, Scythe of Vyse, Eul's, etc... would really be great variation. With all the emphasis on map awareness and control it disturbed me that wards were not added to the item list. Now, the skill build, I have to disagree with. If you're not going to be taking advantage of having many creeps and you're not going to be ganking often then there's no point in maxing Enchant since it only lowers the cooldown and the slow, the two things your avoiding to use early game. Also, you missed your last point in Impetus.

I found the written part quite disagreeable. The premise that Enchantress can hard carry and is a good duelist is fundamentally incorrect. To be a hard carry you must scale well into the late game, and not be completely shutdown by magic immunity. When the mid game comes a lot of heroes that have gap closer skills or have purchased gap closing items will start jumping on you because if your enemy has any sort of clue, as soon as they notice you're doing damage and you're still squishy because you have no resistances and have no escape, you'll be a prime target. Enchantress was never a great duelist, but the lack of a creep front or a heal until level ten only makes it worse. As soon as almost any none-melee decides to stroll in your jungle with a disable you instantly become food for the rest of the game. Then we reach the mid-game you realize that you're still quite useless unless your team is doing exceptional and have enough damage to kill them while your slow is on someone. I won't continue into the late game section because if you've made it that far you've already won because the enemy clearly isn't very good. I don't mean it as an insult but its true, if they didn't gank you or block most your camps before the end of mid game at all and didn't win the basically 4v5 up until towards the end of mid game then they aren't very skilled players. I think that Nature's Prophet and Doombringer do what you're trying to achieve on Enchantress much better. Yes she can do damage, yes she gets gold and items fast, yes she can jungle, but with this playstyle you run an extreme risk of being shut down and you can't contribute until its too late if you're losing.

If you want to make this a reliable strategy then you need to tone back on the carry a bit, you need accept that she can't be anything more than a semi-carry. The player needs to contribute more in the early game, and by doing this and taking a tower or ganking occasionally then you maintain that advantage. Sure your GPM will be a bit lower than if you got AFK farm in jungle but your EXP will be higher and the enemy will be behind in gold and you'll give your whole team a gold advantage, all being in lower risk too. I think of Enchantress as a Chen delayed 15 minutes, if you don't have any towers taken by 20 minutes or the game isn't over by 40 its GG for him, whereas Enchantress has a weaker early game but scales later in the game and works well with a carry like Anti-mage or Faceless Void where having that early lane control and enabling them easy farm ensures you don't have the pressure like Chen does to end the game before a certain time. Overall its nothing to downvote, but the lack of a section of creep management or in-depth explanation in tangent with a playstyle that is not well-known gives the reader no incentive to up-vote the guide for others to check out.
Ab4ddon._.E43 (12) | October 4, 2013 12:03am
Exactly my item build on a carry ench.
The skill build not so much.

You only need 1 level in enchant.
Get slow or as i sometimes do ,get stats till u feel the need for something else.
Level ur ulti at the standard.
This helps deal with her squishiness to some degree.

Also mention that she is similar to drow as a carry.
IF enemies can close the gap(blink skewr etc) into melee range you lose a lot of damage
KEMEK | October 3, 2013 9:22pm
1. I was always sucks at playing Enchantress. So I'm not gonna make any further comments regarding to the contents of this guide, but otherwise I'm gonna try this guide first whether it works out for me or not. I will let you know.

2. I play against Enchantress several times, and I can easily kill her with LIFESTEALER. Her untouchable means nothing to the-Fckin-imba-6-seconds-Rage-of-Lifestealer (even Enchantress doesn't have much armor and HP, so yeah, you know what would happen in that 6 seconds).
miishin (2) | October 3, 2013 2:32pm

If you say this why do you max out Enchant before any levels of Nature's Attendants? I feel like a heal would make you harder to kill early game if you ever get ganked, and you don't really need to max out Enchant for it to be effective, as Enchantress has really good movement speed and can keep up even with just a 30-40% slow.
Sando (118) | October 3, 2013 11:41am
I take your point that this can work, but it's quite reliant on the opposition "letting" you do what you want. You have no Nature's Attendants before level 10, and Untouchable provides no protection against magic damage (the main damage source early on). Heroes like Queen of Pain and Nyx Assassin could very easily roam the jungle and kill you. While you're farming the rest of your team has to fight 4v5.

Take for example a Phantom Assassin as an opponent - for your ~12,000 worth of gold ( Bloodstone + Aghanim's Scepter + Power Treads + Hand of Midas), she could get Battle Fury + Phase Boots + Black King Bar + Helm of the Dominator.

You have low agility growth and end up with only 6 armour at level 16 (~26% physical damage reduction), she has 11 + 5 from HoTD = 16 (49% reduction), plus another 40% from Blur's dodge.

You're hitting for ~96 damage at level 16, plus 18 from your Aghanim's Scepter and Power Treads (assuming set to intel) for a total of 114. Obviously this can be a lot higher if they're not magic immune and you're hitting that at range with Impetus, capped at 625 extra pure damage (nice!).

She's hitting for 96 base damage, plus 65 + +20 + 24 + 24 = 229, plus a 15% chance of doing 450% damage, which would result in a 1030 damage crit before reductions. (726 if she hit you). She has a much faster attack speed and can lifesteal 15% of her damage. If her BKB is on, and she's attacking you at melee range, you're getting no bonus/pure damage. She's reducing your damage by 49% (to 58), and also dodging 40% of your attacks (to 35 avg). She's got Phantom Strike to close the distance and you've got no magic block to stop it.

As you can see, in any kind of straight fight it's not even close, and once team's figure out you're the main threat/DPS you'll find it hard to stay out of the firing line. Obviously you do still have a chance if your team has a good stun (especially a BKB busting one) and you can pop away at long range using Impetus - but this is very situational. Sorry.

You have a nice writing style and you've put together a guide that can work if everything goes right, but I think it's a bit of dead end outside pocket strats and lower level pubs. This isn't a criticism of you, just the strat. I think you could do a lot more with Outworld Devourer in this style - he's got better stat growth, ultimate and waaay better laning presence.
The_Magic_School_Bus | October 3, 2013 11:29am
I think this could be an interesting playstyle. She is essentially turned into a mini Sniper in team fights w/ a handy slow for escapers.

I see two big drawbacks to this build:

-You are pretty much MIA for the first quarter of the match, if going against a good team, this may give them a little snowball into mid game. This can be enough time to reach the point of no return and take the game over.

-There is really no defense to this strategy.

I like this guide and I plan on trying it out as Enchantress has always interested me as a hero. My suggestions to you to make this guide more rounded out is maybe show us readers:

-Defensive options with items/skill building (What if I keep getting harassed/ganked in the jungle early game?)

-Micromanagement of creeps during team fights/jungling to further enhance early game(what big neutrals to jungle with? What Neutrals to team fight with/set up ganks?).

-Pictures of distances on spell radius and even pictures of positioning in team fights would be much appreciated.

-May be a typo on your part, but why not max out impetus?

Although it should be assumed, it's nice when a guide writer points these little things out for us new guys.
higgins (1) | October 3, 2013 10:53am
That is precisely why I indicated to never initiate. Anyone with a BKB will use it on the ensuing initiation presuming there is some sort of CC support on your team. In an average game where people play their roles, no one will hold out their BKB until you show up. And there will be enough targets that don't have BKB that you can take out while the ones that do have it see's their countdowns decline.

As you carry more with Enchantress, many of the team fights will take place on their turf. If you do have the position of defending, then use that to your advantage and stay back. Always stay back. After you have scepter and bloodstone, you will have around 2600 hp so you can withstand a shot or two. Pop your sprites and you can hang in there with the best of them. BKB is a mild inconvenience and shouldn't really hinder you in any way.
Sando (118) | October 3, 2013 10:22am
Nicely written guide but afraid I disagree with your central premise. Black King Bar (or any form of magic immunity) blocks both Untouchable and Impetus - meaning that you're easy meat for most other carries with some farm. Silences also stop you functioning very well.

This is why most people play Enchantress as a pushing/ganking jungler who can destroy the enemy offlane and tower in short order. Transistion into a fast Aghanim's Scepter and you have potent midgame damage potential. Hand of Midas slows this all down and gives the opposition more time to get that magic immunity.
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