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Hook 'em! - Pudge hooking guide

September 4, 2013 by MrJamFury
Comments: 5    |    Views: 46013    |   


Hi, I wanted to share with you my knowledge about Pudge and his hook.
I'm not an english speaker so I might do some errors while writing.
This guide is gonna cover the basics of hooking and some more advanced techniques that you may want to use...and...some "top secret" hooking spots and tips ;)

Basic hooks/stationary target

"Hook that Zeus! Is standing still!"
"OMG you missed! Noob!"
That happened to me a lot because hooking someone that's standing still may seem like an easy's actually not that easy, for example:
There's a Sniper in the middle lane last hitting creeps and he's still:"Ok, he's not moving I'm gonna click on him and hook that fuc***er!"
But the second you throw your hook...he moves away.
"OMG what is this!?"
If you think about it, when you are last hitting you don't stand always still, every 2-3 seconds you click on the ground, you move in different directions, so obviously you can't predict exactly where someone is gonna move while CSing, but here's a tip:
try click a bit behind the target,and trust me, 70% of the times is gonna work 'cause every time you move while CSing you move slightly back from your last position, at least I do that, and it seems that almost everyone does it, so if he moves you will catch him because you aimed behind him and if he doesn't you are gonna take advantage of the hook hitbox that's a bit bigger than it seems and will catch him anyway.

Remember that the hook can go throu impassable terrain so try to take advantage of that by staying on high ground or where the target can't escape when you hook him

Advanced hooking/moving targets/force staff applications

And now things complicate a bit.
Hooking a moving target reaquires prediction:
if the target is moving in some direction try to aim on the ground where you think he's gonna be after 1 or 0.5 seconds.
This can't actually be taught, you have to try and try again to master this one.

Here you can see the hook going in the direction where Templar Assassin is running:
you have to predict the enemy movements...
When trying to hook a moving target is useful to cancel the animation with S to fake the hook(useful against puck that will waste his E and you will be sure to get him)for adjusting the aim while the target keeps moving, this will help you not wasting mana.

Now we get to it, the infamous Force Staff.
It's so useful on Pudge that I always get it, for escape purposes and for landing some hook that otherwise will be impossible.
In fact when you use it you will slide forward for 600 unites, that's gonna help you increasing your hook range:The TA here is too far away for the hook, so just double press the hotkey for the force staff(this will automatically use it on yourself)And then throw your hook!
Bam! You just incresed you hook range from 1300 to 1900!!

The force staff can also be used to quickly dodge some obstacles that are on your way to hook the target you are aiming for
So force staff in a direction where the target doesn't block your hook:And hook him!

If you're up for some big plays you can try to force staff away the unit that's blocking you!And then go for it!
Ask for commends if you manage to do it ;D

Hooking spots

The classic mid lane spot if you are on the Dire side... just hook him on the high ground and GG
The equivalent spot for the Radiant, this is actually better because you can trap the target between the trees and you
Here's a personal spot:
You are hereYour target is over thereTo avoid being seen by the tower you can simply force staff by facing the hillThis will make you arrive on the other side of the hill, because it's all impassable terrain, so you can't stay on top of it this will increase the 600 unites slide to a 800-900 slide :D
And from there you can easily hook him, 'cause he won't excpect it(you'll just appear out of nowhere!)


So here you have it!
That's what I know of the art of pudge :D
I'll be inserting new content like: hooking spots, some tips and tricks with force staff hooks ecc..
I hope this will help you guys, bye!

To do!

-Insert more hooking spots
-More tips
-Better formatting of the guide

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