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4 Votes

High-level Templar Assassin guide

May 12, 2020 by Phsc
Comments: 10    |    Views: 51013    |   

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Peonidas | May 12, 2020 12:25pm
Grande dia, Pedro 👍!
Hades4u (296) | May 12, 2020 1:53am
Hey Phsc, great to see you back around the site!

Let me know if you need any help with the guide, I'd be happy to help with formatting or anything else that's needed. I think it would be useful to also add a skill and talent build to the guide, but that's up to you and what you find best!

Thank you for creating guides. <3
Phsc (4) | May 12, 2020 2:01am
Yeah I didn't realize I forgot to add the skillbuild and the talents but I wrote on them, how could the formatting be made better?

How do I make so the x thing detects Morphling's Attribute Shift (Agility Gain)/Attribute Shift (Strength Gain)? the same question also for Bristleback as a hero and not the passive?
Hades4u (296) | May 12, 2020 2:22am
For Bristleback you'll have to write Rigwarl, his secondary name instead of his name as it's the same with the passive.

As for the attribute shifts: Attribute Shift (Agility) and Attribute Shift (Strength).
[[Rigwarl]], [[[Attribute Shift (Agility)]], [[Attribute Shift (Strength)]]

I think you could maybe work on spacing a little bit more, let me help with an example. I'll be taking your chapter about Razor and making some tweaks:

Razor - very hard, Static Link is your enemy, he is going to run down at you and you are going to do nothing until you have your Psionic Traps at level 6 but by then he has Eye of the Storm that destroys Refraction, if you almost escape he can use Plasma Field, harassing him is hard, but you do outfarm him, so stack the jungle and farm it.

Your kill potential is low unless you have help, get some items and then fight but you have to be sure he does not get Static Link on you, which is complicated since it pierces spell immunity, in a general way go on him only later or after someone else initiates, a good Razor will fight you in your jungle but abuse Psionic Traps to run from Static Link and maybe get a kill if he plays too aggressively.

[rule] [columns] [nextcol width=50][icon=Razor size=50] [nextcol width=10] [nextcol][[Razor]] - very hard, [[Static Link]] is your enemy, he is going to run down at you and you are going to do nothing until you have your [[Psionic Trap]]s at level 6 but by then he has [[Eye of the Storm]] that destroys [[Refraction]], if you almost escape he can use [[Plasma Field]], harassing him is hard, but you do outfarm him, so stack the jungle and farm it. Your kill potential is low unless you have help, get some items and then fight but you have to be sure he does not get [[Static Link]] on you, which is complicated since it pierces spell immunity, in a general way go on him only later or after someone else initiates, a good [[Razor]] will fight you in your jungle but abuse [[Psionic Trap]]s to run from [[Static Link]] and maybe get a kill if he plays too aggressively. [/columns] [rule]
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