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3 Votes

He's about to pop

December 11, 2012 by Teboga
Comments: 2    |    Views: 15215    |   

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Griffith (2) | December 11, 2012 10:42pm
I agree with hades + their is so much more you can say about witch doctor. Examples:

When you are new to Witch Doctor and having trouble casting Maledict or if your lane partner doesn't have stun but has high damage skills (example Rexxar before level 6, with axes + piggy) it is often better to get lvl 3 stun and lvl 2 Maledict at level 5 (changes to get your opponents away from their creeps knowing about your stun it almost impossible so you swap possible (if you hit) damage for more bounces. After you start playing witch doctor more you can go back to your mentioned method. Etc.

Luxury items
Bloodstone = mana = voodoo regen longer = more ganks for your team
Rod of Atos = slower enemy = more hits from ulti (or easier to hit Maledict
There are more items that make Witch Doctor unholy.

Friend & Foes section

etc... ect....
Hades4u (296) | December 11, 2012 7:51am
Pretty short guide... not enough information in my opinion.

Also, it's hard to read, you should add some formatting, bold text, color, images and so on.
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