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12 Votes

Hero Tiers (January Metagame)

January 10, 2012 by HamSandwich
Comments: 18    |    Views: 12572    |   

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dark soul | October 17, 2012 12:00pm
can i ask where is rubick and invoker :/
HamSandwich (34) | February 10, 2012 11:44pm
DotaD is suffering from dunning-kruger effect.
Whated (12) | February 10, 2012 6:36am
LOl this tier list is so bad

Not sure if troll, or just stupid.
HamSandwich (34) | February 9, 2012 12:44pm
LOL your MM record is so bad you got declined from NA-DL.
SkyneT800 (1) | February 9, 2012 11:39am
LOl this tier list is so bad
HamSandwich (34) | January 30, 2012 9:24am
In my opinon, leshrac only fits well in a pushing lineup. In most other situations he'll be shut down early, or never get the big items that he needs to be effective.

To carry, he needs at least BKB and some sort of mana regen (preferably sheep, but bloodstone works too) and then he needs aghanim's secpter. The problem is that if he is getting big, the enemy team will all build hoods.

As a supporting ganker, he still needs items like blink to be super effective, and even then, there are better options for blinking stunners like lion, sven, earthshaker, sand king, etc.
Atlas (117) | January 30, 2012 8:03am
Whated wrote:

I understand all the others but Leshrac and Shadow Fiend being **** tier is kinda stupid... Also I today got shut down in pubs as Huskar. Tinker just laser + rocket me all the time I use ult...

Shadow Fiend is **** tier only because a great deal of his damage comes directly from necromastery. If you die then you immediately lose half of that damage. Onto of that, it's pretty easy to die since you have no way to stun an enemy or escape.

Leshrac I really don't know. He is an incredible pusher and does a godly amount of AoE damage, but I think he requires lots of gold to have enough mana to make his ultimate last.
Whated (12) | January 30, 2012 7:37am
I understand all the others but Leshrac and Shadow Fiend being **** tier is kinda stupid... Also I today got shut down in pubs as Huskar. Tinker just laser + rocket me all the time I use ult...
Atlas (117) | January 30, 2012 6:24am
No, this is actually pretty accurate, thought is tier list is pretty much made around high level of play. Riki sucks outside of pubs, huskar can be shut down incredibly easily and the fact that he dwindles on low HP leaves him vulnerable to nukers, kunkka is pushes lanes hard when you shouldn't be and his ult is easy to avoid.
SkyneT800 (1) | January 30, 2012 1:55am
I feel this list is subject to bad players. Riki, Kunkka, huskar. are high tier. And where as some picks require a team to synergize.

Enchantress is mid tier :)
DemonicSnow | January 18, 2012 11:36am

I do have to agree with this.

I'm knew, so my opinion doesn't count for much, but I feel a blog for this would be a bit more simple than monthly posts on DoTAFair, or maybe in addition to posts here.
Atlas (117) | January 11, 2012 6:05pm

They are Eidolons (Demonic Conversion), but close enough. Yes he is quite good, he can even bounce between jungling, pushing and can even hold a solo if needed. It's just that he is far too squishy and easy enough to shut down. His ultimate is one of those high risk, high rewards: It can be great if you land it right, but if it fails or gets cancelled, that is three minute cooldown before it can be used again.

My guess would be that Kunkka just doesn't put out enough damage for the amount of farm he needs, though his ultimate can be quite good, it requires setting up or luck, which can be problematic. Lina just burns through her mana too fast and her cool downs are quite long, in comparison to Lion who can keep his mana high, his stun is by far better, has one of the best disables in the game and still has the damage high damage ultimate but on a shorter cool down. The only difference is Lina can carry while he cannot, but there are much better options than her in general, thus she lands the **** tier.

Note that I am pretty sure Ham is taking this from everything outside of pub games, where you might be seeing confusion between what he says and what you have experienced.

In the end, I wouldn't worry too much: Most of those high tier and **** tier have been changed in the most recent update on Allstars, which we should see sometime in the coming patches according to Icefrog.

Yes, I had high level play in mind. If this was pubs bloodseeker and husked would be in the highest tier. Enigma basically just needs a decent team and a blink dagger for him to do his job.
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