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15 Votes

Hero Hierarchy

November 1, 2014 by FleetAU
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Smuggels (82) | December 2, 2014 11:18pm
deytmegziken wrote:

In all honesty, a complete overhaul in the criteria should do just fine. Explore a hero a little bit more and look at every possibility before placing them into tier. A Huskar with an Ethereal Blade, Aghanim's Scepter, Orchid Malevolence and a Veil of Discord can kill any hero with regular magic resistance. Ultimately making his dps infinite. Enigma can also do the same thing with similar items. But does that means you see him in a tier 1 area? No. It's not viable at all. It's not right for you to take **** but with a topic so opinionated, you are going to get ****. Best of luck!!!


P.S. I have read the whole updated guide and disagree with a lot of stuff, that's just my opinion.

honestly you could have (insert hero name here) and run them as a (insert role position here) and theoretically it would work...

what this guide looks at is the CORE role that the hero is used for.

for example

Lycan ...yea he can hard carry but when you look at his skills his CORE role is a psuher.

Shadow Shaman yea he can be built as a ganker but his core role is pusher/support

now you will have heroes that theoretically can fill many spots... Mirana for example but since she is so diverse she falls within the UTILITY role.

the fact that you disagree with a lot is fine. its just that this guide is not focused on what COULD BE but what IS.
deytmegziken | November 23, 2014 3:50am
In all honesty, a complete overhaul in the criteria should do just fine. Explore a hero a little bit more and look at every possibility before placing them into tier. A Huskar with an Ethereal Blade, Aghanim's Scepter, Orchid Malevolence and a Veil of Discord can kill any hero with regular magic resistance. Ultimately making his dps infinite. Enigma can also do the same thing with similar items. But does that means you see him in a tier 1 area? No. It's not viable at all. It's not right for you to take **** but with a topic so opinionated, you are going to get ****. Best of luck!!!


P.S. I have read the whole updated guide and disagree with a lot of stuff, that's just my opinion.
FleetAU (16) | November 1, 2014 11:29pm
W0rkSpace wrote:

How exactly isnt Lone Druid a viable Solo Offlane, jungler and a lvl 1 pusher?
I dont get you man, that's so much ******** into 1 guide. a lot of these stuff are just..wrong

I don't make do....if you want to make a suggestion there is a template. Why do all you new people who havent even read the thing properly come here and give me ****

And unscathed yes I am
Unscathed (47) | November 1, 2014 5:44am
Are you still updating this
W0rkSpace | November 1, 2014 5:30am
How exactly isnt Lone Druid a viable Solo Offlane, jungler and a lvl 1 pusher?
I dont get you man, that's so much ******** into 1 guide. a lot of these stuff are just..wrong
FleetAU (16) | October 31, 2014 1:10am
deytmegziken wrote:

Good job not replying buddy. Also, abuse? I am judging and commenting in the COMMENT SECTION on your guide.
Your criteria is simply not good enough, my opinion. Take it or leave it.
What position does a Carry take?
Does Mirana benefit from a gold advantage?

I can't be bothered explaining mirana to you, someone else can do that...start a discussion thread if you like.
As for criteria if its not good enough THEN SUGGEST A CHANGE=common sense
Unscathed (47) | October 30, 2014 2:03am
you should put Techies in the offlane.

He is actually an offlaner.

-He placed mines at gank routes
-He can suicide if forced to
-He benefits the level advantage
deytmegziken | October 30, 2014 1:42am
FleetAU wrote:

I'm not even going to reply to this...

Good job not replying buddy. Also, abuse? I am judging and commenting in the COMMENT SECTION on your guide.

Your criteria is simply not good enough, my opinion. Take it or leave it.

What position does a Carry take?


Does Mirana benefit from a gold advantage?

Dimonychan (43) | October 29, 2014 3:36am
Btw just noticed how low ranked Wraith King is. He is on of the top carries with his Reincarnation, crits and lifesteal, I think you should rank him higher, tier 2 or 3 at lowest.

Also, how come that Clinkz is top tier ganker while Clockwerk is not. The only advantage Clinkz has is his lategame scaling, but that doesn't make him a better ganker.
FleetAU (16) | October 29, 2014 2:40am
I'm not even going to reply to this...I refuse to take abuse for something that I repetitively state is a community decision from a new member....and a relatively inexperienced one at that...Mirana is not a carry....rightyo I mean its only been done about 99999999 times in both pub and pro scene
deytmegziken | October 28, 2014 12:39am
Why is Outworld Devourer a bad carry? Because he gets countered by Magic Immunity. So this so called 900 nuke combo and 3000 damage potential aoe nuke can be blocked. All he has is his semi-reliable 72 damage and a -armor debuff. He is also extremely squishy. Outworld Devourer is a semi-carry, so is Shadow Fiend.
KoDyAbAbA (65) | October 26, 2014 6:26am
Shadow Fiend is generally played as a mid due to his insane farm speed and level requirement and also due to his huge carry potential. Just think about it, a 900 damage nuke combo, extra 72 damage, 6 armor reduction, and an ultimate that can potentially deal nearly 3000 magic damage in a radius.He also has a good stat gain.

Alchemist on the other hand, has horrible stat gain, pitiful damage, a dire need to farm which can be exploited by the enemy team to shut him down. Even this isn't of much importance.The main problem is, in the early game, outside of his ultimate, he hits like a tissue and is very vulnerable.

please not that Legion Commander is a very conditional carry, and can't carry late game even if she has items, if she doesn't have damage from Duel.This instability reduces her rank as a carry.

Hope that explains it :)
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