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16 Votes

Haw-haw my claws are red with the gore of first blood!

May 25, 2013 by No Bear No
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No Bear No | June 2, 2013 1:26pm
MilkSteak wrote:

I play ursa rarely (when I random in pubs) and figured I kinda knew what I was doing but I picked up a bunch of tips I'll have to try next time I play him. No so much item builds but just some of the little stuff you discuss.

Thanks, I think thats what this guide is best for anyways, tips like not ulting in roshan, using smoke, loading Overpower before entering fights, skilling Fury Swipes first to make last hitting easier, etc
MilkSteak | May 25, 2013 8:00pm
I play ursa rarely (when I random in pubs) and figured I kinda knew what I was doing but I picked up a bunch of tips I'll have to try next time I play him. No so much item builds but just some of the little stuff you discuss.
Mirror (22) | April 6, 2013 1:24pm
Well, just timed my self. I got 27 sec without the ultimate and and 28 with the ultimate. I guess it just comes down to personal preference since rosh bash procs could sway the results one way or another.

However I would like to thank you for pointing out his w and e are better than his ultimate early game.
No Bear No | April 6, 2013 1:01pm
Mirror wrote:

I have played some ursa recently and I do not agree with skipping his ultimate at six, It costs no mana and low cool down for large amounts of damage. AND ITS FREEEEE!

I would +1 but it looks like I already did, Keep up the great work!

In my guide I showed why skipping your ultimate is a good idea, the health you are at when you get it at level 6 is 863. So if you took level one Enrage, you would have 5% current health > damage

863 * .05 =

a whopping 43 bonus damage

skipping, and putting another point into Overpower/Furyswipes leads to not only better damage for jungling and killing heroes, but an easier/faster roshan, which is important, because you want to get in and out as fast as possible.

If you want to see the difference, time yourself twice, once go roshan with level 2 Overpower, level 3 Fury Swipes, level 1 ultimate, and then level 3 Overpower, Level 3 fury swipes.

Alternatively, you could also just take the level 2 ovepower, level 3 fury swipes, and start leveling your Earthshock, as you will need it later when you blink and slam gank everyone.
Mirror (22) | April 6, 2013 12:52pm
I have played some ursa recently and I do not agree with skipping his ultimate at six, It costs no mana and low cool down for large amounts of damage. AND ITS FREEEEE!

I would +1 but it looks like I already did, Keep up the great work!
No Bear No | March 9, 2013 3:06pm
depparted wrote:

sheepstick dude, always consider a sheepstick on ursa

A Sheepstick gives a hex for 3.5 seconds, good mana regen, and some stats. I'm not sure if the stats are that useful on this hero, and I feel like this is just an overpriced way of getting the same job done with Rod of Atos. If you explain why it's good I'll add it

10 STR from Sheepstick = 190 health

Rod of Atos gives +325 health
depparted (3) | March 9, 2013 7:15am
sheepstick dude, always consider a sheepstick on ursa
No Bear No | February 23, 2013 12:47pm

I think you missed a few ageisses but good guide 10/10

thanks i try my best
watchout4snakes | February 22, 2013 9:05pm
I think you missed a few ageisses but good guide 10/10
No Bear No | February 6, 2013 1:08pm
magicmerl wrote:

Whoops, yeah. :)

Smoking up before rosh is definitely what the cool kids do.

First off, I am a cool kid, and I don't like to use smoke (Just kidding I now realize the importance of smoke when roshing). As for the mana problems, they aren't bad until later game where vladmir's .80 mana regen isn't as good as it used to be, and if you spam blink dagger mid game it will also hurt you. Really though it's fine to skill overpower first unless you are jungling as Ursa, if that's the case you want Fury Swipes which will help you kill them faster.

(I will add though that when I am playing against good people smoke should be considered. Really though I think wards is plenty enough, and if you have phase you can phase your *** out of there provided they don't send the entire team at you, which never happens unless you're going up against a stack that always carries TP scrolls and 5 man ganks constantly)
magicmerl (6) | February 4, 2013 6:47pm
Whoops, yeah. :)

Smoking up before rosh is definitely what the cool kids do.
Mirror (22) | February 4, 2013 3:53pm
Also, no mention of buying and using Dust of Appearance before going into Rosh?

Not dust, smoke of deceit. All dust would do is show if the other team is going to steal your precious aegis with Riki.

This guild pretty much sums Ursa up. +1
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