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I usually buy Tranquil Boots so I can avoid using Shrines or taking a trip to base. Then if the hero is a mana hungry one (Des), I'll buy a Void Stone. Damn thing is more effective than it sounds. You can also upgrade it to a Ring (Perseverance) which can also be upgraded to a Force Staff.
No, he needs Levels and Items to be effective, so at the very least, he needs to be a Position 4. When he's picked competitively, he's usually a 3 or even a 2 though, he was even a Position 1 in one game at TI3. He can't handle being a 5 without some massive boosts to his Mana Pool/lowered Ability Costs.
In trilane vs trilane matchups, a
To increase chances of a successful gank,
Boots + TP = Gank. This is especially important on hard supports with especially low movement speed like
An important thing to have in mind is how efficiently the 5th support can get extra gold from the jungle. While this is easy for
I feel so proud when i get boots at about 10 minutes cause I've been going from lane to lane saving people and stopping tower dives and making that bit of extra damage to get a kill. :-)
Tp scroll deserves a mention though definitely as no point having a support if they can't support the right place when needed.
Also, I don't think you can Eul's an ally, only yourself and enemies
Nice work as always, still waiting for the support
For detection items I recommend this guide instead (no point rewriting it!)
I um'd and ar'd about things like
And yeah it's reassuring you all think some of this is stuff you have to learn from experience - I've tried to give plenty of examples, and outline the thought processes, but yeah it's much easier to learn this stuff by playing and being aware.
It's a bit hard, but the most important part of a hard support is flexibility. Would Sentry Wards be better for this invisibility-based opponent, or would
Would it be ok to sacrifice myself for this carry? Would simply retaliating to reduce the enemy's HP be better because our
Would a ward here be better to cover a bit of jungle vision for incoming ganks from the enemy aggro-tri, or should I be warding here to counter ganks from the enemy mid while covering roshan so the enemy
A bit hard to teach of course, but some pointers would do nicely. Obviously not everything can be covered because most of these things come with experience, but tips would be great.
More focus on the vision wars, I guess? Tips on de-warding rather than simple warding should be useful, warding itself has other guides.
So far so good though, more content would be much appreciated.
Also a section describing pull-throughs would be good, it's the "new s***t" as of 6.79 when the jungle pull camp got switched. Pro tip: If you find Vhoul assassins in the pull camp (those poison javelin throwing ones) they can kill you entire creepwave without stacking or pull-throughing as they do piercing damage.
As a side note, I've discussed which support items to get in which situations in my guide here: