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5 Votes

Hard Support KotL Guide

April 8, 2013 by fredchen777
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DzikaPanda (16) | May 13, 2013 1:28pm
Nice to see some1 knows what hard support item mean, +1.
PoNySoNg | May 13, 2013 12:56pm
You should pick up Mana leak, it really is a powerful spell even at level one. You are considering it's scaling too much on the leaking of the mana and range etc which I agree gets a lot better with ranks. But it gets its job done even at rank 1, I recently tried a build where I get mana leak at level 2 or 3 and I have to say the results stunned me.

Mana leak gives you so much control over your opponents since they react almost identical to someone being ruptured. (It's the idea that when people are aggressive you have to be passive or defensive) This works great against newer players and helps during ganks when chasing is vital as long as you throw out at the beginning of a fight.

To be honest you don't need a fast level 4 illuminate, level 2 and 3 are just as good for the mid game since you're probably not gonna have the time to blow a level 4 illuminate that is gonna hit unless you are lucky or your team just syncs up very well. Don't forget the movement from Blinding light makes them leak mana as well.
fredchen777 | April 9, 2013 8:48am
h55d wrote:

No Mana Leak until level 10 is kind of a waste.

Actually this was a no-brainer for me, since the mana leaked early on is not that much, it has low cast range, low duration, low stun duration. And skilling it any earlier is no good either since you need to utilize the most out of your blast lvl 4 and still need to be able to give yourself, your lane partner and probably the ganking mid hero enough mana. skipping ultimate is not possible either since you need to 1. be able to defend your carry with Blinding Light and be able to give him some more right clicks with Blinding Light as well...

In my opinion, skilling it earlier is kind of a waste, but you could argue that you could skill stats at 10 and then skill Mana Leak at 12-15...
h55d (2) | April 9, 2013 7:55am
No Mana Leak until level 10 is kind of a waste.
fredchen777 | April 8, 2013 10:22am
Unorc wrote:

I think you should max Illuminate a bit earlier. It'll do more at earlier levels, you get three levels of Chakra Magic before your 3rd in Illuminate. I think either Blink Dagger or Force Staff would benefit you for escape purposes. Tranquil Boots won't be needed after Mekansm. You should add a Core items section and a bit more color to make it easier to read. Otherwise, Good guide.+1

About your first point: Either I max Illuminate at 7 and get Spirit Form on 8 or even 9 then, but still I'd go 2-3-0-0 on level 5, since with just level 2 in Chakra Magic you pay 45 mana for 150. So you can't spam illuminate. With 3-2-0-0 you can deal 100 more damage (400 instead of 300) but you can only cast 3 or max. 4 times per minute. with 2-3-0-0 you can always use Chakra Magic and Illuminate together. Plus, with 3-2-0-0 you can deal almost the same damage, but you hit less times, so precision is more important. The other way to skill him (when you need to be defensively active like against a Phantom Assassin) is to get Spirit Form at level 6, but the same argument goes for this built, so in my opinion maxing Illuminate "just" at level 8 is okay.

Yeah, i normally go for Force Staff after Mekansm for the reason i explained in the section about it.

Tranquil still give you good movespeed late, but as mentioned in the part about Boots of Travel i'd switch them up if you have the money.

There are no core items for Keeper of the Light as hard support. Especially since all my situational items are legit and there is some situational for every situation. I tried to descripe my process of deciding what to get when, but it all comes down to personal experience and favor, like with Blink Dagger and Force Staff.

I'm gonna add some colors to the guide soon, good idea. Any help is appreciated.
Unorc (1) | April 8, 2013 7:16am
I think you should max Illuminate a bit earlier. It'll do more at earlier levels, you get three levels of Chakra Magic before your 3rd in Illuminate. I think either Blink Dagger or Force Staff would benefit you for escape purposes. Tranquil Boots won't be needed after Mekansm. You should add a Core items section and a bit more color to make it easier to read. Otherwise, Good guide.+1
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