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5 Votes

Hard support Keeper of the Light

July 16, 2014 by alien_obsession
Comments: 7    |    Views: 43130    |   

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Sando (118) | July 17, 2014 1:42am
Nice little guide, I like that you've included an early point in Mana Leak as it is useful to have. Builds generally pretty solid - the only thing I'd maybe add is a Bracer or Urn of Shadows to your core, ok it will delay your Mekansm a little (tbh as a #5 you shouldn't necessarily be getting it anyway, but that's pubs for you) - but you are super-squishy and the extra HP doesn't need to stop you getting killed many times to pay for itself.
freefynnp | July 16, 2014 11:12pm
explained with simplicity..ty...
Moodkill (9) | May 23, 2014 5:14pm

Thank you so much all for the kind comments and suggestions. It's my first time making a guide. Will work on improving it.

I'd also like to recommend adding an item chapter in the guide so readers will understand why you listed this etc.
alien_obsession | May 23, 2014 8:54am
Thank you so much all for the kind comments and suggestions. It's my first time making a guide. Will work on improving it.
Moodkill (9) | May 23, 2014 8:40am
You really should add more formatting to this guide to make it look more interesting, I'll give you a link for a guide right here ---->

Also, Tranquil Boots should be listed as you won't have to walk back to fountain anymore with those, you get health and free mana healing. Drum of Endurance should also be considered since your health is VERY low and it will also turn you into a race car.

Hope this helps, just opinions though ^_^.
Eightfold (9) | May 23, 2014 8:36am
You should really add some formatting, cause right now it kinda looks half-finished. Other than that, it's a pretty solid guide, other than a few wonky item choices. Why would you have an Orchid Malevolence, for example? and why did you put Boots of Travel on kotl as a core? Tranquil Boots would be a better option, in my opinion, with Boots of Travel as an optional item. I'll reserve my vote until you clean it up a bit, but i'm certain that once you have, my vote will be a +1.
BKvoiceover (12) | May 23, 2014 8:36am
Good guide just a couple of things to improve on it.

1. Some code formatting goes a long way in making a guide look visually appealing when. For example whenever you type your heroes name put double brackets around what you want to say. It should look like Name of Hero/Item/Ability. So if you put double brackets around Anti-Mage it should look like Anti-Mage. There are many other formatting things that can improve it this is just one of them.

2. Also a section talking about your item selections and how each of them can help Keeper of the Light would be a great addition. Also since you are playing a hard support Keeper of the Light be sure to include a section for utility and upkeep items such as observer wards and Dust of Appearance.

3. Also rushing Boots of Travel on KotL is definitely not recommended as your main boots to rush especially on a hard support Kotl. I usually run Tranquil Boots on him first.

Just a couple of things to think about.
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