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( There is no Vlad on choices, also as for threads and phase boots, phase boots is good if you play offensive side since creep collision is crucial situation, also you need to maintain your distance for KITING, so extra Movespeed is handy, as for SNY, look, comapre sange to reaver... sange cost 2050 and it can be disassembled to halberd later if needed, while reaver it costs 3200, it is advisable for pub games but for Pro games you cant farm 3200 easily, while you can buy 450 + 1000 + 600... And remember there are many ways to play a hero not only one so be expiremental and do not stick to basics cos only noobs do it!!!
Vladmir was in the guide if you would read the comments. As for SNY even a health booster would make more sense than going full on SnY. You wouldn't benefit from Halberd's evasion much since you would most likely seek butterfly instead. As for the disarm I wouldn't consider it that great since it has a 600 range, and if the hero is that close to you he most likely blinked in and will have a bkb ready, assuming you do not get stunned. You would have to be going against enemies that I can't really even fathom for them to not have a BKB at that point in the game.
As for the whole phase boots, the item isn't terrible, but it still just doesn't work as good as treads imo. Not only do you get the extra agility for your aura, but it also helps with her squishiness. With a 60% slow from frost arrows and a knockback silence, kiting should be of no problem.
The only thing that really comes to mind with SnY is that the slow should stack with your frost arrows, making it absolutely crippling in a one vs one. The only reason that is a turn off to me is that it goes back to drows original countering: teleporation scrolls. It would make more sense to even have a MKB, or hell, give me a Eul's for that price, at least that way Drow can disable the tp's and possibly disable herself to blink out of bad situations or avoid stuns.
Assault Cuirass isn't really a great item to have on drow. Drow needs to keep her distance from every hero, and since the debuff aura doesn't really cover past that distance, it is not worth while. You would be better grabbing damage, attack speed, and armor from more agility focused items or tankiness from other items like heart or satanic.
Eye of Skadi I can never see this being an item on drow. Yes you get nice stats from it, but the orb effect does NOT stack with frost arrows. You have either one of the other. If you really, really wanted the all around stats, I'd suggest linken or manta, with preference on manta. For the gold it just makes no sense to get skadi unless you are somehow having the biggest mana problems ever, which I can't imagine occuring on drow.
Vladmir's Offering Again I can't see why this would be chosen. You do NOT get the life steal buff since you are not a melee hero. The damage and armor is nice, but you should really be building HotD over that, which offers potentially more damage depending on the game time and more armor PLUS you can build into satanic.
Sange and Yasha You already have a garaunteed slow, you really don't need another. Just build yasha and if you really, really want more HP, go with something like a health booster that can be built into heart later on, or rather just grab a Reaver for either heart or Satanic.
Mjollnir the issue with this item is the whole reason why Drow Ranger is chosen. People choose her for her silence, damage output, but mainly for Precision Aura. The aura is a huge factor in choosing drow. If you go mjollnir you are forfeiting gold that could have gone towards items that give you agility (attack speed, armor, and damage) that could apply to not only more damage with the aura for you, but for your whole team plus the already added benefits of the item and having more agility. Not a terrible item, but simply not the best.
Phase Boots this item also isn't god awful, I think it actually used to be in an old drow meta, but it has issues. You are going to be much more squishy from not having treads, as well as not being able to potentially raise your agility for your aura for your teammates by switching them to agility. The squishiness is the main factor though. I see how you could use the phase boots to escape, but with Gust that really shouldn't be an issue. For initiating you don't really need them since you have a blink as a core now.
The main issue I have with the Helm of the Dominator being in your early game build is that you are going to have an issue taking an ancient stack for quite a while. While drow gets strong armor gain, she still may struggle against a decently stacked camp. I'd prefer grabbing something to help keep yourself alive like yasha or bkb, which could also help during team fights. Bkb is simply core on drow, and yasha gives the armor and damage that HotD had to offer while simply being better for early game. If you want the ancients stacked, I'd rather ask the support to do it or have him stack the large camps which will let you yield gold earlier and easier.
As for Ethereal Blade, I actually see this as a viable item in certain situations. Owning a Ghost Scepter and having Boots of Travel can be really good encase you are trying to be pushing for your team to either take towers or just simply to farm. It is also smart encase you are going against someone like Phantom Assassin, since you can immune yourself to her damage. Because of Drow's ultimate, the nuke damage is also decent, allowing for even more stats and more aura too.
As for mek, A support Drow Ranger does exist and it is also viable, so I wouldn't count it out completely, unless you were talking about how some heroes like Viper grab it early, in which case I agree that on a carry drow, it should probably be let alone :).
( There is no Vlad on choices, also as for threads and phase boots, phase boots is good if you play offensive side since creep collision is crucial situation, also you need to maintain your distance for KITING, so extra Movespeed is handy, as for SNY, look, comapre sange to reaver... sange cost 2050 and it can be disassembled to halberd later if needed, while reaver it costs 3200, it is advisable for pub games but for Pro games you cant farm 3200 easily, while you can buy 450 + 1000 + 600... And remember there are many ways to play a hero not only one so be expiremental and do not stick to basics cos only noobs do it!!!
You know, I wrote what I like to think is a good guide on Drow Ranger, put a lot of thought into item choices, and people still own sometimes with shadow blade+mask of madness. Alas, perhaps all of our theorycrafting is for naught.
I read your comments and i agree with some. For example vlads on her was my mistake, i forgot the life steal only worked on melee heroes. But if the life steal does work on ranged units also, then it would be good on drow(waiting for vlads life steal to work on ranged).
Assault cuirass-I have seen in some pro games, i forgot which, where i saw pro players going for assault cuirass, its actually pretty viable on drow because of the buff and debuff it provides. I know the radius is like 900 which makes it harder for drow to fully utilise the effects of ac with her range, but the team still can benefit if no one goes for ac.
Skadi-I find skadi to be ok on drow. The stats are all rounded, and much better than the ones provided by manta or linken. The slow might not stack but for example meepo, his geostrike might not stack but people still opt for it though, just what i think.
Mjllonir might not provide the agility that she needs and i agree the gold can be spent elsewhere but having a lightning shield that you can place on your tank in any engagement can reduce the enemy's health down if he is the target. Furthermore, if some heroes do get close to you, you might lose the agility and the attack speed might come in handy to let you attack the enemy quickly.
Phase boots is also the same issue as the ac, i see in pro games people opting for it over treads. The extra damage it provides does allow you to last hit easier but it does hinder your attack speed. But again, her ulti provides much of the dps already. So i think boots choice is down to player preference.
For the helm of the dominator and e blade, i am still thinking about it.
I have tried once support drow, it is quite good in a sense that you have a 6 second silence and a reliable slow but her carrying potential is wasted if you opt for support drow.
Regarding the skill build, whether gust or aura should be up depends on the lane that you are facing, if it is a standard pub 2v2 line up then a first blood would be harder. However on the other hand if you face a trilane then it would be viable to up gust first to set up a first blood.
Overall, thank you for pointing out all the items and the skills, this is my first guide and i tend to make a few mistakes, thanks for reading it though
and Im sorry, it won't let me edit my post so I am going to have to double post.
As for the ability tree, I would actually suggest Gust be taken first. While it is not a true stun, it does offer about 1 second of disabling the enemy, adds a knockback effect, PLUS silencing them. This can be very important if you are trying to set yourself up for a first blood, as it will prevent the enemy from stunning, hit them back towards your tower, and disable them momentarily. It can also be used to help protect yourself and evade from an enemy first blood attempt. Very iportant
Assault Cuirass isn't really a great item to have on drow. Drow needs to keep her distance from every hero, and since the debuff aura doesn't really cover past that distance, it is not worth while. You would be better grabbing damage, attack speed, and armor from more agility focused items or tankiness from other items like heart or satanic.
Eye of Skadi I can never see this being an item on drow. Yes you get nice stats from it, but the orb effect does NOT stack with frost arrows. You have either one of the other. If you really, really wanted the all around stats, I'd suggest linken or manta, with preference on manta. For the gold it just makes no sense to get skadi unless you are somehow having the biggest mana problems ever, which I can't imagine occuring on drow.
Vladmir's Offering Again I can't see why this would be chosen. You do NOT get the life steal buff since you are not a melee hero. The damage and armor is nice, but you should really be building HotD over that, which offers potentially more damage depending on the game time and more armor PLUS you can build into satanic.
Sange and Yasha You already have a garaunteed slow, you really don't need another. Just build yasha and if you really, really want more HP, go with something like a health booster that can be built into heart later on, or rather just grab a Reaver for either heart or Satanic.
Mjollnir the issue with this item is the whole reason why Drow Ranger is chosen. People choose her for her silence, damage output, but mainly for Precision Aura. The aura is a huge factor in choosing drow. If you go mjollnir you are forfeiting gold that could have gone towards items that give you agility (attack speed, armor, and damage) that could apply to not only more damage with the aura for you, but for your whole team plus the already added benefits of the item and having more agility. Not a terrible item, but simply not the best.
Phase Boots this item also isn't god awful, I think it actually used to be in an old drow meta, but it has issues. You are going to be much more squishy from not having treads, as well as not being able to potentially raise your agility for your aura for your teammates by switching them to agility. The squishiness is the main factor though. I see how you could use the phase boots to escape, but with Gust that really shouldn't be an issue. For initiating you don't really need them since you have a blink as a core now.
The main issue I have with the Helm of the Dominator being in your early game build is that you are going to have an issue taking an ancient stack for quite a while. While drow gets strong armor gain, she still may struggle against a decently stacked camp. I'd prefer grabbing something to help keep yourself alive like yasha or bkb, which could also help during team fights. Bkb is simply core on drow, and yasha gives the armor and damage that HotD had to offer while simply being better for early game. If you want the ancients stacked, I'd rather ask the support to do it or have him stack the large camps which will let you yield gold earlier and easier.
As for Ethereal Blade, I actually see this as a viable item in certain situations. Owning a Ghost Scepter and having Boots of Travel can be really good encase you are trying to be pushing for your team to either take towers or just simply to farm. It is also smart encase you are going against someone like Phantom Assassin, since you can immune yourself to her damage. Because of Drow's ultimate, the nuke damage is also decent, allowing for even more stats and more aura too.
As for mek, A support Drow Ranger does exist and it is also viable, so I wouldn't count it out completely, unless you were talking about how some heroes like Viper grab it early, in which case I agree that on a carry drow, it should probably be let alone :).
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( There is no Vlad on choices, also as for threads and phase boots, phase boots is good if you play offensive side since creep collision is crucial situation, also you need to maintain your distance for KITING, so extra Movespeed is handy, as for SNY, look, comapre sange to reaver... sange cost 2050 and it can be disassembled to halberd later if needed, while reaver it costs 3200, it is advisable for pub games but for Pro games you cant farm 3200 easily, while you can buy 450 + 1000 + 600... And remember there are many ways to play a hero not only one so be expiremental and do not stick to basics cos only noobs do it!!!
Vladmir was in the guide if you would read the comments. As for SNY even a health booster would make more sense than going full on SnY. You wouldn't benefit from Halberd's evasion much since you would most likely seek butterfly instead. As for the disarm I wouldn't consider it that great since it has a 600 range, and if the hero is that close to you he most likely blinked in and will have a bkb ready, assuming you do not get stunned. You would have to be going against enemies that I can't really even fathom for them to not have a BKB at that point in the game.
As for the whole phase boots, the item isn't terrible, but it still just doesn't work as good as treads imo. Not only do you get the extra agility for your aura, but it also helps with her squishiness. With a 60% slow from frost arrows and a knockback silence, kiting should be of no problem.
The only thing that really comes to mind with SnY is that the slow should stack with your frost arrows, making it absolutely crippling in a one vs one. The only reason that is a turn off to me is that it goes back to drows original countering: teleporation scrolls. It would make more sense to even have a MKB, or hell, give me a Eul's for that price, at least that way Drow can disable the tp's and possibly disable herself to blink out of bad situations or avoid stuns.
Your items don't really work perfectly imo.
The main issue I have with the
As for
As for mek, A support
Assault cuirass-I have seen in some pro games, i forgot which, where i saw pro players going for assault cuirass, its actually pretty viable on drow because of the buff and debuff it provides. I know the radius is like 900 which makes it harder for drow to fully utilise the effects of ac with her range, but the team still can benefit if no one goes for ac.
Skadi-I find skadi to be ok on drow. The stats are all rounded, and much better than the ones provided by manta or linken. The slow might not stack but for example meepo, his geostrike might not stack but people still opt for it though, just what i think.
Mjllonir might not provide the agility that she needs and i agree the gold can be spent elsewhere but having a lightning shield that you can place on your tank in any engagement can reduce the enemy's health down if he is the target. Furthermore, if some heroes do get close to you, you might lose the agility and the attack speed might come in handy to let you attack the enemy quickly.
Phase boots is also the same issue as the ac, i see in pro games people opting for it over treads. The extra damage it provides does allow you to last hit easier but it does hinder your attack speed. But again, her ulti provides much of the dps already. So i think boots choice is down to player preference.
For the helm of the dominator and e blade, i am still thinking about it.
I have tried once support drow, it is quite good in a sense that you have a 6 second silence and a reliable slow but her carrying potential is wasted if you opt for support drow.
Regarding the skill build, whether gust or aura should be up depends on the lane that you are facing, if it is a standard pub 2v2 line up then a first blood would be harder. However on the other hand if you face a trilane then it would be viable to up gust first to set up a first blood.
Overall, thank you for pointing out all the items and the skills, this is my first guide and i tend to make a few mistakes, thanks for reading it though
As for the ability tree, I would actually suggest
The main issue I have with the
As for
As for mek, A support