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Guide to Medusa.

March 14, 2013 by EvilDevil06
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The Best Divine Rapier carrier build : P

DotA2 Hero: Medusa

Hero Skills

Mana Shield (Innate)

Split Shot

8 13 14 15

Mystic Snake

2 3 5 7

Gorgon's Grasp

4 9 10 12

Stone Gaze

6 11 16


1 17 18

Guide to Medusa.

March 14, 2013


Hi everyone.This is my build to medusa. I'll show you how to play with Medusa, the Best DR carrier!Sorry for bad english BTW, and note that this my first (second) guide.


Ring of Basilius:

I think I don't have to explain it.It's good for every character early game, it gives you nice damage, aura armor and mana regen.

Why Power Treads and not Phase Boots:

If you played Medusa, you might have noticed her very slow attack speed and low damage, and of course low hp. With the power treads which gives you attack speed and stat it will be balanced , you can leave it on strength for some hp, but when you have to do some harass you can switch it to agility, but note that your HP is very low (mana shield balances it).

Divine Rapier:

Medusa is one of the best DR carriers...use it!With the DR in your inventory and with your mana shield on, you'll be undefeatable.But of course without Manta Style, Satanic and Butterfly DR is...

I don't think that I have to explain the other items.


(Q) Split Shot:

I think it's a very good farming and pushing skill, but in early game with your low damage it's useless.Note that this won't activate lifesteal and other attack modifiers so when you activate your Satanic turn this off.

(W) Mystic Snake:

So,Mystic Snake.It's a very good farming skill, but if you don't use it well it'll drain your mana to 0.Cast it if there are 2-3 ranged creeps or heroes close to each other,because Mystic Snake's jump range is very short, but it does a nice damage, and of course drains mana.

(E) Mana Shield: O.O

This is what makes Medusa and ultimate survivor and one of the best DR carriers.It's blocking incoming damage using your mana, don't forget to turn it on, maybe all the time.

(R) Stone Gaze:

Phantom Lancer counter skill because it does 1500 damage (at level 3) to illusions.A very good anti-escape skill, and if you cast it at a teamfight, your team will probably win it.If you got ganked cast it and kill them with your op items :D OR Escape while they're getting stoned.

Pros / Cons

Best DR carrier!!!
Very good carry!
Fun to play with.

Very low hp at early levels.
Low attack speed.
Low damage.
Needs a lot of farming.
Can be killed easily because of her low hp.

Creeping / Jungling

You should concentrate on last hits.I know it's not easy to last hit with low damage, but you 'll apprehend to it.Don't even dream about getting kills in early game(but you can steal some...:D).


Medusa deserves it's 3 star carry rank.It's a very good carry, but you'll be a feeder without enough farm, so keep it in mind that you'll have to farm a lot in order to kill someone.It's not an easy hero, but worth playing if you play her well.Just keep up your farming don't push, concentrate on last hits, and don't get yourself killed.

Have a nice day hope you enjoyed my build to Gorgon.Don't be afraid to write comments, or an E-mail : [email protected]

Good Bye !

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