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138 Votes

Guide to Luna the Moonrider by D3n1eD (7.22b)

June 4, 2019 by D3n1eD
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Blubbles (13) | March 7, 2015 3:27am
Skip RoA? Mana? How do support that spamable nuke? While wand is ok in a pinch, it's not a reliable source.
FrostyHost | January 5, 2015 12:29pm
I've been messing around with my own builds testing my knowledge with Luna and so far it's gone very well, I have 16 wins and no losses(I honestly have no idea how). Thanks to this build I'm basically and hopefully going to keep winning with Luna without entire losses.

On the other hand, I would definitely agree with going with manta style as soon as you can get it and Helm of the Dominator early as well. One good beneficial item for Luna(In my opinion) would be vanguard until you have another item to replace it. I've basically only used this early game when I get it and later get something else like an HoT. But then again I've only been messing around.
Romark14 (7) | October 8, 2014 6:32am
Good guide dude, Luna will be getting a test run tonight (Pubs, naturally!).

This is in no way related to getting owned late game by a Luna last night (how we lost it i still don't know.).

D3n1eD (5) | June 17, 2014 11:53am
Depends, if you need to fight right now or you just want to play more safe,go for BKB first.
If you are playing greedy nad/or you have a lot of time to farm uninterrupted, go for HotD and stack ancients with it. Good luck and have fun. :)

With regeards,
SleepyBoy1998 | June 8, 2014 8:58am
Which one to get first, the Black King Bar or the Helm of the Dominator
AciD_DotA | March 28, 2014 8:26pm

Thanks abunch man! This guide has carried me a lot through pubs :) Luna is just a very straight forward hero at least imo so it's helped me learn some things very quickly. Great guide +1!
Moodkill (9) | March 26, 2014 5:56pm
Great guide, totally agree with not getting moon glaive early unlike pub players == .

I usually get a Drum of Endurance on luna for the extra health because luna's a bit squishy and was wondering if it's actually good.

Everything aside +1 for the good job :D
D3n1eD (5) | March 26, 2014 1:29pm
Glad I helped, that is why I made this guide after all :P

No itembuild is set in stone,everything is situational,but the general build would be:
1. Boots first before anything else in most cases (see nr.2)
2. Midas if you are getting freefarm and can get it really fast,can be risky but worth it if you can pull it off
3. Finish treads, then go into one of the following:
a) HotD, for more farming, ancient stacking and jungling.
b) drums for utility and earlygame fighting
c)yasha for ms,improved attackspeed,also helps farming and fighting
d) BKB rush if the enemy team has a lot of disables and you NEED to fight right now.
4. after that, you make whatever items you skipped in step 3. (except drums,drums are superb early but not really worth it later,atleast on a carry)
5. proceed into upgrading your yasha into manta,then your HotD into satanic,or instead of satanic make butterfly if facing alot of right-click dps heroes.
6. Finish Butterfly/Satanic (whatever you skipped in step 5
7. Upgrade treads into BoT's
8. End the game? If not,buy divine,then end the game.

These steps are how I play most of the time,hope that helped :)
With regards,
AciD_DotA | March 24, 2014 4:37pm
Just a suggestion, it would be helpful for newer players I would think if you could explain which items you go for first after the early game items. Like which order and in which situations you like to get certain items. I really enjoyed the guide though and it's really easy following your logic with each suggestion! I'm a newer player and trying to learn as many heroes as I can right now so guides like these that really simplify everything help soo much. Thanks for taking the time to make it :D
tehlollercaust | February 27, 2014 6:20pm
I just started playing DOTA about a week ago, so I suck haha. This guide really helped me out, as I started playing Sniper as my first hero I really had no idea how to do anything else other than you know right click and assassinate. This guide has really improved my ability to learn and play DOTA. THANK YOU.
Wonderbawlz | December 10, 2013 4:15pm
If you're going a Troll build Ragnar, or maybe a mid Role, she isn't the best to have a shadow blade, because that delays her 'Real' items like BKB, Satanic, ButterFly etc. If you are going carry, I would personally never do it. I think people liek getting SB on her is because you can ulti and then go invis and nobody can know where you are, but it's a trash item on her Imo.
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