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2 Votes

Guide to Leviathan

July 24, 2014 by Swampus
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W0rkSpace | July 25, 2014 2:29pm
Nice guide, though I would to give you a point of thinking about Tide Hunter - his name. Laviathan, means Whale in hebrew (in hebrew it is written like that: לוויתן, but said as Laviathan (for you to understand).
Swampus | December 25, 2013 3:56pm
Sando wrote:

A nice little guide, builds look pretty solid, but I would like a bit more detail about a few things that could be useful for newer players to know:

- The self-purge that's the most important feature of Kraken Shell, can shorten stuns, silences and all sorts of other unwanted effects as you take damage.

- Anchor Smash you've given some useful info on, worth mentioning how good it is for flash farming to try and get a Blink Dagger during the rare moments you get to grab some farm.

- Outside trilanes, works best with a strong ranged carry, as like you say, his lane control suffers against ranged enemies.

- Look carefully at enemy escapes, Gush is fantastic, but only against enemies who can't easily override it's slowing effects (e.g. not against the like of Weaver, Dark Seer etc)

Thanks for the feedback. I added a section to go a little in depth with his skills. Someone I completely forgot to explain the other part of Kraken Shell when I initially wrote the guide.
Sando (118) | December 19, 2013 2:03am
A nice little guide, builds look pretty solid, but I would like a bit more detail about a few things that could be useful for newer players to know:

- The self-purge that's the most important feature of Kraken Shell, can shorten stuns, silences and all sorts of other unwanted effects as you take damage.

- Anchor Smash you've given some useful info on, worth mentioning how good it is for flash farming to try and get a Blink Dagger during the rare moments you get to grab some farm.

- Outside trilanes, works best with a strong ranged carry, as like you say, his lane control suffers against ranged enemies.

- Look carefully at enemy escapes, Gush is fantastic, but only against enemies who can't easily override it's slowing effects (e.g. not against the like of Weaver, Dark Seer etc)
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