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6 Votes

Guide to Carry Necrolyte

February 16, 2013 by Firaja
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TheSofa (54) | March 13, 2016 10:10am
dotalouver wrote:

Blades of attack is not really needed imo. You can buy branches plus circlet which mean more survivability and more int stats to use the Q.

My dotabuff name is sunshine and most playable hero and successful hero. Phase boots is not bad for necro but I believe more stats is more useful.

Null or magic wand are more beneficial than 1 blades of attack. If u wanna buy wand or null it also increase your damage. But just buying blade increase only your damage...more HP, Intel, agi stats if you buy magic wand or null first.

Null can be upgraded for dagon if you want too...
But if I don't plan to buy dagon I think magic wand is enough for first item. Why you say? It saves my life a lot and If i lack of mana to finish the enemy with my R after using Q i just use the magic wand...thats why I always get it first...

Usually I got brown boots and magic wand later on I upgrade it.

Just my opinion tho

Hi Dotalouver!

I know you're trying to be helpful and we can all appreciate that. However, this guide was written in 2013, a whopping 2.5 years ago.

Therefore, the guide is not current!

dotalouver | March 13, 2016 9:17am
Blades of attack is not really needed imo. You can buy branches plus circlet which mean more survivability and more int stats to use the Q.

My dotabuff name is sunshine and most playable hero and successful hero. Phase boots is not bad for necro but I believe more stats is more useful.

Null or magic wand are more beneficial than 1 blades of attack. If u wanna buy wand or null it also increase your damage. But just buying blade increase only your damage...more HP, Intel, agi stats if you buy magic wand or null first.

Null can be upgraded for dagon if you want too...
But if I don't plan to buy dagon I think magic wand is enough for first item. Why you say? It saves my life a lot and If i lack of mana to finish the enemy with my R after using Q i just use the magic wand...thats why I always get it first...

Usually I got brown boots and magic wand later on I upgrade it.

Just my opinion tho
Firaja | February 19, 2013 1:10am
Ornage wrote:

Necrolyte really can't carry. This is more of a tank build with a dagon. A carry needs DPS, and necrolyte will never compete against real carries. I like the build, but honestly, it's not a carry build, it's a tank build.

yep i wrote that in Notes section :)
i agree with you for DPS and i think is stupid trying to increase Necrolyte's DPS (he has no damage poor guy). This (in my opinion) is (one of) the best way to build a "carry" Necrolyte.
There are a lot of more powerfull carries, but you pubs carries are picked by tards and the match is lost at 10:00 :D in a professional match Necrolyte carry means free victory for opponents, but in pubs a great numbers of players understimate this hero (and this is at you advantage)
By the way i build Necrolyte carry very rarely :) but ty for the comment
Ornage | February 18, 2013 10:26pm
Necrolyte really can't carry. This is more of a tank build with a dagon. A carry needs DPS, and necrolyte will never compete against real carries. I like the build, but honestly, it's not a carry build, it's a tank build.
Firaja | February 18, 2013 4:47pm
in these days i will update the guide with your tips :)
thank you to all <3
Sando (118) | February 18, 2013 6:48am
Very kind of you sir :). It's overall nice guide btw, getting back OT :)
SuperNova (16) | February 17, 2013 8:36am
Sando wrote:

Why blades as a starting item? For the same money as that and a branch you can get a Null Talisman, which gives you about the same damage + a bunch more stats? Sure you can use it towards your Phase Boots, but you're missing out on 2 strength, 2 agility and 5 intel? Sure, it's more efficient item wise, but it relies on the enemy lane no harassing much or lacking burst damage.

I get that you're using Sadist early on for your regen, but it does rely on getting those last hits in. Otherwise, nicely presented guide.

I know this is off topic (idc tbh) but +rep. You sir, are simply the nicest, most helpful mofo.:D
Sando (118) | February 17, 2013 7:58am
Why blades as a starting item? For the same money as that and a branch you can get a Null Talisman, which gives you about the same damage + a bunch more stats? Sure you can use it towards your Phase Boots, but you're missing out on 2 strength, 2 agility and 5 intel? Sure, it's more efficient item wise, but it relies on the enemy lane no harassing much or lacking burst damage.

I get that you're using Sadist early on for your regen, but it does rely on getting those last hits in. Otherwise, nicely presented guide.
SuperNova (16) | February 17, 2013 4:16am
In your pro's you have ranged as one of them. Best remove it as it makes some of the 'pros' round here rage. Also I disagree with radiance as it is mainly a farming item tbh and it best when rushed. Its not bad but it wont be as effective as it is on hero's who can get it quickly like Doom Bringer. also i think a Rod of Atos would be nice as necro doesnt have a solid disable of any kind apart from his ulti. The rod also gives some stats and health. Also consider a blademail, once you get farmed and the enemy team figures out you can 1vs5 them they are gonna focus you like crazy. +1 to ur guide sir.
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