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Guide to a unkillable riki.

March 12, 2017 by Space aids
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Just my 4k My build to riki.

DotA2 Hero: Riki

Hero Skills

Backstab (Innate)

Smoke Screen

3 13 14 16

Blink Strike

2 5 7 9

Tricks of the Trade

1 4 8 11

Cloak and Dagger

6 12 18


10 15

Hero Talents

Tricks of the Trade applies a basic dispel
-1s Cloak and Dagger Fade Delay
=4s Blink Strike Replenish Time
+0.3 Backstab Multiplier
-3s Smokescreen Cooldown
+50 Tricks of the Trade Agility Increase
+8% Cloak and Dagger Movement Speed
+50 Smoke Screen AoE

Guide to a unkillable riki.

Space aids
March 12, 2017

Why to get these items

With Riki the key is timing. I used to build power tends on Riki for the longest time it's a good item but my opinion is that phase boots are better because Riki's movement speed is **** and they give you some damage. They help u transition until u get your diffuasal blade. Then I would normal get desolater or echosaber depending on the game. Then get blink dagger and here is why most 1k-2k players don't get it on Riki. But with Riki it's essential and here is why. Riki is so damn squishy. with desolate and echosaber u can blinksrtike on a support and kill them and use your ultimate even if there is five enemies there with blink dagger you can escape from your ultimate and usually your team is there to fight when u initiate

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