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5 Votes

Guide for Slicing and Dicing

December 10, 2011 by Makaveli
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Makaveli | December 10, 2011 11:29am
Swordz wrote:

Blink... dagger?

Yes. Blink dagger works on all heroes. Juggernaut's ultimate can have it's direction changed when using that item. It just allows more mobility.
Makaveli | December 10, 2011 11:21am
Reed wrote:

Also, while scepter is's putting a lot of faith in an ultimate that is not the hero's focus. It does provide stats, which is always nice, but getting it provides almost no damage outside of your ultimate. It's not a strong team fight skills, since the more the damage is spread out - the weaker it is. IMO better to focus on getting battlefury or some form of damage first.

I agree 100%. I didn't explain why, but Battlefury is a viable option if your team lacks DPS mid-game. I'm always put in the situation where scepter first allows me to succeed, then comes next is Battlefury. From my own experience, scepter 4 times out of 5 is better for me. The one time I do need a Battlefury is when my team lacks a source of damage. So yes, both are viable.
Swordz (2) | December 9, 2011 1:50pm
Blink... dagger?
dirrwen (10) | December 9, 2011 6:48am
Really not a fan of all the profanity, just makes you looks like a kid imo. I reeeeaally disagree that Jugger is a weak carry. He's only able to get kills extremely fast from level 1 onward with Spin and Ult, has a 5 seconds BkB that also does a little bit of damage late game, can support his team during pushes and after fights with his ward (srsly? what other carry can support his supports?), a monstrous crit steroid and a few seconds of complete invulnerability while he dishes out ******ed damage on a few enemies. That's a weak carry :S? So if all of that seems weak to you, you spend your entire early/mid game farming up a ****ty item that adds like 200 dmg to your ult? O_o. Also what's with the Ring of Basiliius? Like.. wut?
Reed (3) | December 9, 2011 6:29am
Not really a fan of the starting items or the focus on scepter in this build. By going boots first you're putting A LOT of faith in the fact that you will be able to get an early kill with your lane partner.

This doesn't take into account that:

1) The enemy might not be stupid (e.g. they warded gank routes)
2) Your lane partner might be incompetent
3) They may have escape mechanisms

If any of these things happen, you end up with minimal stats and run the risk of being minimized until mid-game.

Also, while scepter is's putting a lot of faith in an ultimate that is not the hero's focus. It does provide stats, which is always nice, but getting it provides almost no damage outside of your ultimate. It's not a strong team fight skills, since the more the damage is spread out - the weaker it is. IMO better to focus on getting battlefury or some form of damage first.

Other than that, nice guide - it's a method of playing different than mine personally, but it's not a bad one.
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