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9 Votes

Grim's Guide to Outworld Devourer

November 13, 2014 by ashwinthegrim
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Illumination0110 (2) | November 23, 2014 4:11am
Thanks for the nice explaination mate ! :D
ashwinthegrim (7) | November 17, 2014 1:28pm
ElDiablo wrote:

Please get your facts straight. In 6.82 OD's aghs got a huge buff. With aghs you will always get that mana drain which is a huge thing IMO.

While the 75% mana drain is nice, spending 4200 gold for it is definitely not nice. The Aghanim's Scepter upgrade for Sanity's Eclipse does very little in terms of damage upgrade, and the mana drain alone doesn't justify spending a huge chunk of gold on the item.

Moreover, by the time you pick up the Aghanim's Scepter (which should be late game), your intelligence from your other items ( Force Staff, Scythe of Vyse, Shiva's Guard, Refresher Orb) should already be high enough to trigger the mana drain without needing the scepter. Only a highly farmed int hero would have enough int to stay within the threshold, and spending 4200 gold to counter a highly specific case scenario that might not even happen, is not worth it.
ElDiablo (10) | November 16, 2014 10:32pm
Nice guide, I like it.
Also Rod of Atos is really good on him.


Aghanim's Scepter only gives you a measly bonus to your ultimate, which I think is not worth it. With Outworld Devourer being pretty farm dependent already, it isn't advisable delaying your other items for this minor damage increase.

Please get your facts straight. In 6.82 OD's aghs got a huge buff. With aghs you will always get that mana drain which is a huge thing IMO.
ashwinthegrim (7) | November 16, 2014 11:45am

Interesting to see Aghanim's Scepter is on the Do Not Buy list. Even that 75% mana burn isn't good enough in your opinion ?

It is extremely situational.. Only an enemy Medusa would warrant an Aghanim's Scepter pickup. The damage increase it provides in minimal, and the mana drain isn't enough reason to burn 4200 gold.
MuoiKhoang (6) | November 16, 2014 3:13am
Agah is pretty situational. The only time I would consider it is against a Medusa, which let me burn most of her mana.
Edit: I actually think it is good against Leshrac too since the mana burn is gonna prevent him from using his ult.
Illumination0110 (2) | November 16, 2014 12:04am
Interesting to see Aghanim's Scepter is on the Do Not Buy list. Even that 75% mana burn isn't good enough in your opinion ?
The Bluerage | November 15, 2014 8:03pm
El_Alabe wrote:

Add pugna to the hard counter, nether ward really kill you during teamfight. nice guide btw.

And Pugna has highest INTEL growth rate. OD's ultimate don't give a f*** on Pugna.

MuoiKhoang wrote:

I haven't had many experience with OD, but i play Invoker a lot, and every time I go mid against an OD he sucks really. Can you talk about this match-up?

A good OD player can imprison anyone like hell and prevent them from casting any spells by reducing their mana pool and once he reach lvl6, you know "BOOM". That INTEL diff means a lot.
ThePipersSon (2) | November 14, 2014 10:17pm
Unscathed wrote:

Unscathed (47) | November 14, 2014 10:11pm
I also dont find silencer a good lane counter.

You can just astral and be invulnerable from the damage.
Unscathed (47) | November 14, 2014 10:10pm
ThePipersSon wrote:

Good guide i find that you don't always need a BKB. Most


games they don't know to focus u so u don't need it. On the rod of Astros issue I only built it if I am gong bad if I am playing well/ winning I will built a sheep stick instead.
ThePipersSon (2) | November 14, 2014 10:02pm
Good guide i find that you don't always need a BKB. Most public games they don't know to focus u so u don't need it. On the rod of Astros issue I only built it if I am gong bad if I am playing well/ winning I will built a sheep stick instead.
ashwinthegrim (7) | November 14, 2014 1:51pm

Oh wait, I completely forgot about an item: Hand of Midas! OD is one of the best (if not the best) mid Hero to get a Midas on, just because he benefits from the extra experience and doesn't need many items in the mid game. Remember OD dominates the middle lane most of the time, so you should be able to afford it after Bottle and Boots of Speed about 6 minutes into the game; also, some players don't like getting a BKB too early because it burns its charges too quickly, so delaying it by a couple of minutes in exchange for extra experience and late game gold is usually better.

Totally agree.. I did think of adding a Hand of Midas into the guide, however, I resisted.. The reason is that, my guides are usually aimed at newer players, and I've seen many games where people build a 30 minute midas because "the guide said so". For this reason, I usually never include a Hand of Midas in any of my guides..

Frankly, a Hand of Midas is a great pick up on pretty much any hero (well, except an Enchantress i.e.) if you can get it before the 6-8 minute mark.

I still stick by my preference of NOT building a Rod of Atos on OD. Here is my reasoning.

Rod of Atos sure gives you decent damage and utility via the slow. However, when would you be building it? Before a Force Staff? Between the Force Staff and Black King Bar? After BKB but before Scythe of Vyse?

1. If you build it before a Force Staff, you have no way of positioning yourself. Intuitively, a Rod of Atos might seem to have equal utility in that it slows enemies down instead of repositioning yourself or others, but imagine a scenario where you are being chased by 3 people. Being able to force yourself down cliffs and other unpathable terrain can save your life in situations where a Rod of Atos wouldn't help.

2. If you are planning on building it after Force Staff but before a Black King Bar, it would be prime mid game by the time you grab it. Fights are breaking out at tier 2s and Roshan, and you are forced to join those fights without a Black King Bar. This makes you extremely squishy and easily focusable for the enemy team.

3. If you are building it after Force Staff and Black King Bar, then sure, it can be useful, but at this point, when the game is typically ~30 mins in, would you rather get a slow, or start working on a Scythe of Vyse which is FAR superior in terms of the utility it provides. In the end, while Rod of Atos is a good item for Outworld Devourer, I feel that it doesn't have a place in his kit in terms of when to pick it up, since there are other items that he needs, and gains much more from.
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