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17 Votes

Grim's Guide to Night Stalker

November 6, 2014 by ashwinthegrim
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Chill The Frozen | November 3, 2014 9:02am
Just take my upvote :D (+1)

I especially like the explanation of the use of Void as I didn't used to stop to consider the utility it could serve against heroes with tp (and yet i get it right with Bounty Hunter :P)

I would like to see you consider an Orb of Venom pick up as it would serve as an insanely cheap early option for your ganks (and if you feel REALLY REALLY REALLY good you could even try out an Eye of Skadi)

Also, would you consider adding Eul's Scepter of Divinity to the situational build for games where you face highly mobile heroes or silences?
highlord728 | November 1, 2014 3:52pm
I have played Night Stalker a few times with different builds. They weren't the best builds considering they had flaws that could be exploited easily in the early game.This build though is much more suited to stopping enemy heroes TPing away and then killing. Great guide +1
baloneyhambacon (2) | November 1, 2014 12:40am
I'm gonna play nightstalker now
MuoiKhoang (6) | October 31, 2014 6:32am
Gotta go fast! Phase Boots + Sange and Yasha + Drum of Endurance best build! Add Eul's Scepter of Divinity for maximum overkill-ation.
Sando (118) | October 31, 2014 6:24am
Generally good guide, although I'd suggest a few tweaks:

- Situational Orb of Venom. It's cheap and effective.

- I like that you get a point in Crippling Fear early, I'd probably move it to level 2, as HITN won't have any effect at that time. It can just get you out of trouble if supports come to gank.

NS will "lose" mid to any strong ranged/harassing hero - Viper, Razor, QoP, TA etc. He's a bit like Pudge in that his roaming potential lets him snowball to recover, but a bad lane matchup will reduce your early farm.

Personally I like the Armlet pickup, but I don't think HoTM is really necessary until much later, as it'll struggle to pay off. You can generally recover health from use with Bottle/ Urn of Shadows until your damage is high enough to make lifesteal worthwhile.
Tigerre (4) | October 31, 2014 5:38am
Great guide, detailed to the point that anyone who knows next-to-nothing about Night Stalker could learn how to play hm.

I personal have been a huge fan of going Power Treads+ Eul's Scepter of Divinity and another mobility item (Drums of Endurance, Sange and Yasha or just simply a Yasha, Orb of Venom and Sange are both really good too, Vanguard is also really good for a utility style Night Stalker, mainly because you can transition into Crimson Guard with it which is sooo good) then some damage ( Armlet of Mordiggian, Sange and Yasha, Heaven's Halberd etc.) and follow up with tankiness (Obvious items :P) and then anything else :D

I do like the guide, though it needs enemies and allies, a how to counter section and a more safe-farm orientated play-style, as though you constantly make the point Night Stalker's not a farmer, with a Hand of Midas and a Helm of the Dominator he can farm really effectively and can become a powerful late-game carry.
eeon (6) | October 31, 2014 4:33am

With maxed out Hunter in the Night and Phase Boots active, Night Stalker has 520 movement speed at night. Being a strength hero, he has a decent HP pool. The Drum of Endurance or Sange and Yasha would just be overkill and delay other items, like a Skull Basher which would help significantly.

The reason Skull Basher is so significant is that, apart from Void, Night Stalker lacks a way to stop TPs, and Void is too good with its movement slow to delay casting it. With a Skull Basher, you have a good chance of interrupting TPs so you can initiate with a Void.

Yes, but this will also make you fast during the daytime. Drums will increase your mana pool and make you a bit tankier, the same goes for SnY and you will have a 32% slow maim. Also, you can swap your Phase with Power Treads if you are too fast:) and the extra attack speed can proc more bashes and maims. That s just my humble opinion.
ashwinthegrim (7) | October 31, 2014 2:18am
MuoiKhoang wrote:

+1 quality content
I'm not a NS player, so i cannot say much. Instead, here is a question: which hero can crush Night Stalker in the laning phase? What do you think about Night Stalker VS Invoker mid match-up?

I'll add a "Friends & Foes" section in the near future, and discuss possible mid match-ups there. Thanks for the suggestion.

eeon wrote:

very well written guide +1.

How do you feel about my all time favorite build that works on every hero Phase Boots Drum of Endurance Sange and Yasha? - the maim and the extra movement speed really works well with all of Bala's abillities.

good work

With maxed out Hunter in the Night and Phase Boots active, Night Stalker has 520 movement speed at night. Being a strength hero, he has a decent HP pool. The Drum of Endurance or Sange and Yasha would just be overkill and delay other items, like a Skull Basher which would help significantly.

The reason Skull Basher is so significant is that, apart from Void, Night Stalker lacks a way to stop TPs, and Void is too good with its movement slow to delay casting it. With a Skull Basher, you have a good chance of interrupting TPs so you can initiate with a Void.
UltraSuperHyper (12) | October 31, 2014 12:06am
eeon wrote:

very well written guide +1.

How do you feel about my all time favorite build that works on every hero Phase Boots Drum of Endurance Sange and Yasha? - the maim and the extra movement speed really works well with all of Bala's abillities.

good work

Actually he reaches almost max movespeed (495 or 500) without drums and SnY when phase boots active is used. Although buying a sange and then upgrading it to halberd is pretty useful.

Also what about an orb of venom as an early game item its cheap and pretty useful...?
eeon (6) | October 31, 2014 12:02am
very well written guide +1.

How do you feel about my all time favorite build that works on every hero Phase Boots Drum of Endurance Sange and Yasha? - the maim and the extra movement speed really works well with all of Bala's abillities.

good work
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