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108 Votes

Grimorum's Guide for Invoker

September 30, 2014 by grimorum
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The Invoker | January 28, 2017 5:21am
Hey Grimorum, your guide is awesome and very explanatory. Thanks for such a guide! I have only started playing with Invoker - only 7 matches till now. My team won 5 of them with My average on the good side of the bar. But I die 80% of the time due to being ganked and not just 'ganked', 'GANKED!!!' - it's 1v5 . Sometimes I manage to get away with ghost walk, but not every time. Especially with Pudge. I need some instant way to dodge his hook and stun. And I also die in 1v1 in mid lane (most of the times by Viper) when I am under level 8 at the least. Pls help. I try to farm for money but all I can buy in total that actually matters in late game is Phase Boots and Aghanim's Scepter and some early game stuff. I die like 4-7 times in a game with around 10 supports and 2-5 kills. Even then I get cursed by players and might have been reported too. IDK why my team thinks that if I am invoker then I can SOLO ALL THE TIME AND KILL EVERY ENEMY PLAYER ON MY OWN. Pls direct me.
Here are some combos that I use in-game :-
1. Tornado,EMP,Meteor,Deafening Blast, Sun Strike.
2. Tornado, Meteor, EMP,Deaf. Blast.
3.[Not a sort of a combo though] Forge Spirits, Cold snap, Alacrity(on spirit), Sun Strike.
4. Tornado, Sun Strike, Meteor, EMP, Deaf. Blast.

And most of the times if I get no kill from these combos or supported kills, I restore some mana and use ghost walk to escape.
These are the most used by me. I try to do some other things but I get Stunned or I dont have enough mana till I reach its end. Your guidance would be appreciated :)
Hamstertamer (89) | January 28, 2017 10:04am
The Invoker wrote:
Hey Grimorum, your guide is awesome and very explanatory. Thanks for such a guide!

He hasn't been active for quite a while. I'll answer you.

The Invoker wrote:

But I die 80% of the time due to being ganked and not just 'ganked', 'GANKED!!!'

If you're talking about midlane ganks pre-15 minutes, it's normal. It's a big weakness of the hero, getting hated on mid. Don't forget that Ghost Walk is useless and even counter-productive if they have detection (since it slows you). Your best escape mechanism is actually Tornado.

If you're talking during the mid-late game, it's often your team's fault for not having wards. That's an issue even at high MMR. Buy your own wards. They're cheap and there's even a backpack for them now.

The Invoker wrote:

Especially with Pudge. I need some instant way to dodge his hook

Having Forge Spirits permanently up to block it.

The Invoker wrote:

and stun.


The Invoker wrote:

And I also die in 1v1 in mid lane (most of the times by Viper)

Invoker wins mid against Viper.
He has twice his base damage with full Exort so he can get every last hit and deny. Viper can't contest.
And Forge Spirit is the key to winning the lane. Keep a spirit up permanently. Viper is very weak to physical damage and especially armor reduction from you and the spirit. If he walks away, you get some harass in, if he turns to manfight you, Cold Snap him.
Don't hesitate to trade hits with him. You'll simply regen up with Quas. He doesn't have that option.

The Invoker wrote:

I try to farm for money but all I can buy in total that actually matters in late game is Phase Boots and Aghanim's Scepter and some early game stuff.

Knowing how to farm efficiently is important on a lot of heroes but it's not really a big deal on Invoker. Invoker only needs levels, he's not very item-dependent. You can play a 90 minute game as Invoker with only blink and aghs.
Don't worry about that for now.

The Invoker wrote:

And most of the times if I get no kill from these combos or supported kills, I restore some mana and use ghost walk to escape.

Tornado -> Sun Strike -> Chaos Meteor -> Deafening Blast is Invoker's highest damage combo, and you can do it as soon as you have aghs, whatever your level.
If you can't get a bunch of kills with that there's a problem :)
xmedwedx | September 23, 2014 3:24am
Hi Grim! If You´ll read that then answer me this question pls!!! I have my troubles against tinker 1v1. Do you have some lane strategies for me. Excuse me if the language is weak. i´m better at understanding then at creating. Thx a lot.

And you guys, all of you can help too naturaly!
SuperSnake | August 18, 2014 12:59pm
Amazing guide, +1
DaLCreeK | August 13, 2014 3:38pm
Hi Grimorum,

Huge fan of yours here. Really amazed on how you proved that Invoker really is a scary hero. Nonetheless its great fallback on its early stages in any game. Ive seen your videos which is really amazing so I really think you can help with how Invoker would scale drastically in a competitive match.

I hope you can give some helpful tips on how to harass effectively on mid. I really suck at it

PS: +1 to the guide.. looking forward for new Invoker's Raging Fury :)
DaLCreeK | August 7, 2014 4:13pm
The Pianist in Dota 2... +1 to you
Tigerre (4) | August 4, 2014 4:57pm
In one part of your guide you say that Invoker shouldn't solo the off-lane. Why is this, I know that you're saying that you're extremely weak at lvl 1, but if you get 1 point in Quas at lvl 1 you can survive, and you'd go for the Quas- Wex build, correct? I believe that Iceiceice solo's the off-lane as Invoker (Don't accept my word as truth, I'm constantly wrong :P)
ChimpKing | July 17, 2014 10:31am
Grimorum, thanks again for this. I've improved a lot in the last year from your guide here, from the in-game guides, and from your videos (especially the 7-9 min Eul's rush Exort max video). I am wondering if you could please update your in-game Steam Community Global Strike build to include the tranquil boots that you list here on the dotafire guide? Currently you just show brown boots.
Tigerre (4) | June 28, 2014 11:26pm
Is getting a Diffusal Blade on Invoker legitimate against Silencer or heroes like that? Is Wex- Exort a legitimate skill build against heroes that need to be killed quickly? +1 FROM ME! :D
anteeee8 | June 24, 2014 2:29am
Hey, I looked through all the questions and no one asked this
Do pro invoker players mentally note the time of casting each spell so they know when it'll be off cooldown without invoking it? I can see how that would enhance performance in a long teamfight, but does anybody actually do that? Or u just feel like it's been a while since u used, e.g., a tornado so u can use it now
Aemon | June 20, 2014 3:55am
Kurogane_IA wrote:

Dear Grimorum, i really like your guide and i think i become addicted to invoker because of you :)

can i ask you about "How can you use Teleport scroll at the same time with GhostWalk?"
i saw it before at your clip Invoker Raging Fury VII but when i try it its really difficult
is there any trick or timing on it?

Sorry if my english is pretty bad to understand :)
Thank you

Hi man, you just need to use tp and THAN use Ghostwalk while channeling. Ez!
Aemon | June 20, 2014 3:55am
Kurogane_IA wrote:

Dear Grimorum, i really like your guide and i think i become addicted to invoker because of you :)

can i ask you about "How can you use Teleport scroll at the same time with GhostWalk?"
i saw it before at your clip Invoker Raging Fury VII but when i try it its really difficult
is there any trick or timing on it?

Sorry if my english is pretty bad to understand :)
Thank you

Hi man, you just need to use tp and THAN use Ghostwalk while channeling. Ez!
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