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Overall a nice guide, think you do a good job of explaining a weird hero like Necro :)
Few improvements you could make:
- First skill build is a bit messy, don't really get it tbh (2nd one is fine). While Heartstopper Aura is underrated, points in Death Pulse give you survivability. Sadist is great if you're farming.
- You can add some formatting to your items/heroes etc by putting a double square bracket [ ] around them, so ((Necrolyte)) becomes Necrolyte with square brackets.
The first build is completely out of my own matches so it pretty much depends on the situation. Thanks for the points though I'll edit as soon as I can :)
Overall a nice guide, think you do a good job of explaining a weird hero like Necro :)
Few improvements you could make:
- First skill build is a bit messy, don't really get it tbh (2nd one is fine). While Heartstopper Aura is underrated, points in Death Pulse give you survivability. Sadist is great if you're farming.
- You can add some formatting to your items/heroes etc by putting a double square bracket [ ] around them, so ((Necrolyte)) becomes Necrolyte with square brackets.
DOTAFire is the place to find the perfect build guide to take your game to the next level. Learn how to play a new hero, or fine tune your favorite DotA hero’s build and strategy.
And he can gank!
When NOT to pick Necrolyte
Overall a nice guide, think you do a good job of explaining a weird hero like Necro :)
Few improvements you could make:
- First skill build is a bit messy, don't really get it tbh (2nd one is fine). While
- Necrolyte does combine very well with a few heroes - for example
- You can add some formatting to your items/heroes etc by putting a double square bracket [ ] around them, so ((Necrolyte)) becomes Necrolyte with square brackets.
The first build is completely out of my own matches so it pretty much depends on the situation. Thanks for the points though I'll edit as soon as I can :)
Few improvements you could make:
- First skill build is a bit messy, don't really get it tbh (2nd one is fine). While
- Necrolyte does combine very well with a few heroes - for example
- You can add some formatting to your items/heroes etc by putting a double square bracket [ ] around them, so ((Necrolyte)) becomes Necrolyte with square brackets.