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Great Guide For Great Women ***

September 23, 2012 by Satyen
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jaslam (21) | September 24, 2012 3:21am
I don't understand why you would get stats at level 1? really?
Just get 3 GG brances, your building a magic wand anyway. and like dirtgrub says, just level your damage if you need it. if you also need more stats, as your getting a wraith band, buy the circlet - so thats +5 all stats leaving base + tangos.

Unless you are rushing life steal with traxex, (which I wouldn't recommend, as you early game damge is low, as well as ur hp - 2 stuns and your pretty dead... or anyother orb) max frost arrows is excellent. don't leave it level 3, big difference between 37% and 50%..
DirtGrub (13) | September 23, 2012 10:54pm
if you want to help with last hits the stats is not necessary. you can just skill the third skill and get bonus damage. helps alot laning. I max third skill first, then silence. i usually leave frost arrows at level 3 until level 25. IMO the skill should go like this e,q,e,w,q,r,e,e,q,w in the beginning. the silence is a lifesaver and great teamfight tool. unless you are way out of position the 37% slow is enough and you can orb walk decently, you will get kill. the items look good though :D. I get them in a different order, but meh
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