GOTTA GO FAST - Invoker Wex build
July 26, 2012
This build was somewhat of a troll build I imagined while being an idiot, and I learned that it actually works. You will have a PERMANENT haste rune with this build.(I.E. 522 Move speed) It's disgusting if you can get the feed to pull it off before 40 minutes.
I don't think I have to explain much here. Invoker imo doesn't need all too many stats to lasthit or survive mid lane. Being harrassed? Quas it up.
Need to last hit? Whip out extort.
Pretty much all you need to know.
If you wanna gank before level 7, my favorite early game combo is to invoke 'nado and then wait for the Cooldown of invoke.
Once invoke is off CD (I like to harass a bit while waiting) Throw it out and then immediately invoke coldsnap on them for the landing.
Triple wex and they're dead from the attackspeed + snap.
Mid game
After you get BoTs (And hopefully euls if you got good farm)
It's time for the troll item.
That 10% Movespeed stacks with your triple wex, Euls, and BoTs.
In other words, if you ever wanted to run around like sanic the heedhog screaming "GOTTA GO FAST" well, now you can.
You can juke like a god, and chase like a king.
This is where the troll comes in.
Everything after this point is completely up to you.
I personally go Agh so I can invoke as fast as I can run.
GL, HF, and race away!
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