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5 Votes

Goodbye Mana Problems

September 14, 2012 by hubey
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hubey | September 17, 2012 9:55am
@Numeta: what?
@Wulfstan: I find it much to unreliable most of the time. Not enough benefit, except when the enemy invites you to get an ultimate off. And in guides it's pretty common to write "This is ****, don't get it" or "This is good, get it" even if things can be useful or non-useful sometimes, ofc. Since the buff of Juggs ulti (long ago, I know) it can be an alternative. With an AOe heavy team it should be good.
@Glayde: Most of the time your mid lane hero goes for bottle, so then I wouldn't really like to go for 2 bottles in my team when playing pub. I've played it once, but there I went for mid lane. I think when you have the room to roam a lot and your mid hero doesn't need every rune charge, bottle should be alright. Aside from this Soul Ring has the benefit that you don't have to leave your lane at all, you could also push the whole time or run an aggressive dual lane. Soul Ring doesn't cost that much more.
Glayde (13) | September 16, 2012 10:43pm
Why not just get a bottle?
Wulfstan (77) | September 15, 2012 12:21am
Aghanim is good.Paired with an attack speed item,you will be normal attacking too while omnislashing.
Numeta (27) | September 14, 2012 3:14pm
hubey | September 14, 2012 3:12pm
Well... yes. I don't think that there is the need for more.
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