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16 Votes

Good Razor Guide

September 26, 2013 by edwardrgb
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edwardrgb | May 2, 2013 12:33am
mnoi wrote:

Good guide, but not a huge fan of your item choices. If you really want damage block, get a PMS as its a 100% to block 10 damage vs vanguard is a 63% (psuedo-random) to block 20 damage (or a damage block of 12) from heroes. Manta is a poor item choice on razor as his damage is low (since you build tanky not stack agility) and a BKB or S&Y is going to be a much better choice. If you want the bulky hp that a Vanguard provides, get a rod of atos, it helps with the mana problems and slow works well with static link.

Thanks for the good suggestions. I've added Rod of Atos, and I took out Manta Style. I've also elevated S&Y as it actually isn't bad for it's relatively low cost.
edwardrgb | May 1, 2013 11:54pm
depparted wrote:

A great item on razor is an Euls scepter! It works really well with your passive, giving you even more move speed, but the more important thing is: it doesn't break your static link! So you link the enemy carry, euls him, and hit everyone, and 2.5 seconds later when the carry comes down, he will hit a lot softer and you'll be hitting like a beast

otherwise, nice guide, +1 from me

Thanks, I've tried it before and it wasnt' too good, but I bought it early to use to gank, not to give Razor some more control over the team fights. I imagine it's great in team fights for preventing your own team from focusing down the person who you are stealing damage from too early. I've added it to the guide and will try it as a late game extension.
edwardrgb | May 1, 2013 8:19pm
ajdeemo wrote:

If you really need the regen, either buy a ring of health, tranquil boots, or a hood. You can't disassemble vanguard, and even if you just buy a ring of health all you're missing out on is a very slight damage block and one more point of health regen, and you can save your vit booster for a heart. Tranquils can be disassembled, and a hood provides you with plenty of regen, and also can be built into a pipe.

I would only ever consider vanguard on melee heroes, and even then it's questionable. By the time you get it, 20 damage block isn't good at all. Not to mention that it scales horribly into late game, where it provides less and less block, since damage block is calculated before armor reductions.

If you're still convinced that it's a good item on Razor, you can watch this video by Merlini ( It's one of the worst items on a ranged hero, even worse than getting damage items on razor.

Also, here's a tip if you're having that much trouble with creeps: you can reset creep aggro by issuing an attack order on a friendly unit. When chasing an enemy hero, if you aren't in range (or are in range, but a bunch of creeps are nearby), just move towards them without actually clicking on them, until you're in range or out of range of the creeps. Animation cancelling also helps.

I think you are right, and I'm now convinced that vanguard is a poor item choice. Nothing quite like it will prevent creeps from killing you before you get loads of armour from agility or assault cuirass; however, it is true that by the time it arrives it feels very late. I suppose I will just have to update my playstyle to beware of creeps. A hood would indeed provide much of the tankiness (albeit against most heroes only) and the hp regen needed to stay in the field. I will update the guide.
mnoi (2) | April 27, 2013 8:03am
Good guide, but not a huge fan of your item choices. If you really want damage block, get a PMS as its a 100% to block 10 damage vs vanguard is a 63% (psuedo-random) to block 20 damage (or a damage block of 12) from heroes. Manta is a poor item choice on razor as his damage is low (since you build tanky not stack agility) and a BKB or S&Y is going to be a much better choice. If you want the bulky hp that a Vanguard provides, get a rod of atos, it helps with the mana problems and slow works well with static link.
depparted (3) | April 6, 2013 4:21pm
A great item on razor is an Euls scepter! It works really well with your passive, giving you even more move speed, but the more important thing is: it doesn't break your static link! So you link the enemy carry, euls him, and hit everyone, and 2.5 seconds later when the carry comes down, he will hit a lot softer and you'll be hitting like a beast

otherwise, nice guide, +1 from me
Krabby | April 6, 2013 3:42pm
This guide is excellent! I usually play razor like this, too, except there are a few things in this one that I haven't tried out yet; like the shadowblade build. Which makes a lot of sense all in all. The mainbuild is preferable.

Note that if you want to make a quick game out of vs. jungle hero, like Lifestealer or Ursa(which can be a real pain late-mid game), then Static Link+ Phase Boots/Vanguard/Medallion of Courage EATS them.
I myself discovered that possibility a few days ago and I haven't lost a single time vs LS or anything like. Though that might not be as covering as this excellent guide above, but gets the job done if executed properly.
ajdeemo (1) | April 3, 2013 12:10pm
edwardrgb wrote:

But how would you suggest I get HP regen with just a naked vitality booster? I'll give mek a try, but I think my style of play just gets me hit... a lot. I've always had a terrible game without the 20 damage block, but I'll try to play a bit less recklessly among enemy creeps and give your suggestion of vit->heart a shot. Then maybe I will amend the guide.

Thanks for the comments, however.

If you really need the regen, either buy a ring of health, tranquil boots, or a hood. You can't disassemble vanguard, and even if you just buy a ring of health all you're missing out on is a very slight damage block and one more point of health regen, and you can save your vit booster for a heart. Tranquils can be disassembled, and a hood provides you with plenty of regen, and also can be built into a pipe.

I would only ever consider vanguard on melee heroes, and even then it's questionable. By the time you get it, 20 damage block isn't good at all. Not to mention that it scales horribly into late game, where it provides less and less block, since damage block is calculated before armor reductions.

If you're still convinced that it's a good item on Razor, you can watch this video by Merlini ( It's one of the worst items on a ranged hero, even worse than getting damage items on razor.

Also, here's a tip if you're having that much trouble with creeps: you can reset creep aggro by issuing an attack order on a friendly unit. When chasing an enemy hero, if you aren't in range (or are in range, but a bunch of creeps are nearby), just move towards them without actually clicking on them, until you're in range or out of range of the creeps. Animation cancelling also helps.
edwardrgb | April 3, 2013 10:49am
ajdeemo wrote:

A nice detailed guide. However, vanguard is actually a very bad item. Not only is it inefficient, the block is also halved on razor. Just buy a naked vitality booster, or even a mek, which gives you more survivability. If you choose just to get a vit booster, you can save it to make a heart later. There is no ranged hero in the game that vanguard is good on.

But how would you suggest I get HP regen with just a naked vitality booster? I'll give mek a try, but I think my style of play just gets me hit... a lot. I've always had a terrible game without the 20 damage block, but I'll try to play a bit less recklessly among enemy creeps and give your suggestion of vit->heart a shot. Then maybe I will amend the guide.

Thanks for the comments, however.
ajdeemo (1) | April 2, 2013 10:51pm
A nice detailed guide. However, vanguard is actually a very bad item. Not only is it inefficient, the block is also halved on razor. Just buy a naked vitality booster, or even a mek, which gives you more survivability. If you choose just to get a vit booster, you can save it to make a heart later. There is no ranged hero in the game that vanguard is good on.
edwardrgb | April 1, 2013 5:12pm
Synergy wrote:

Magic resistance is very effective with high HP though, since it increases your effective HP against magic damage and results in more HP to tank physical damage

Acknowledged. However, you can't buy everything (high HP doesn't come naturally to Razor unfortunately. But I guess if you are really having trouble, instead of Blade Mail a Hood of Defiance works. Nevertheless, I stand by Heart of Tarrasque rather than Black King Bar or Pipe of Insight. Even after you have an Eye of Skadi and a Vanguard the Heart increases your health by a whopping 40% or more. It is a very efficient purchase against both magic and physical damage on its own, whichever you need, and with Blade Mail it is extremely effective.
Synergy (2) | March 26, 2013 12:09am
Magic resistance is very effective with high HP though, since it increases your effective HP against magic damage and results in more HP to tank physical damage
thippo (10) | March 14, 2013 3:37pm
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