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7 Votes

GODLIKE Ursa Build (6.79)

December 3, 2013 by Souta
Comments: 10    |    Views: 231267    |   

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flow82 | July 7, 2014 5:15am
Nice guide, thank 4 that.
One thing to note:

DON'T HOLD Morbid Mask before finishing Vladmir's Offering! This will override your passive Fury Swipes, and you won't have enough damage to jungle!

That's no longer true since Fury Swipes is no orb effect anymore. Maybe you want to adopt it to your guide ;)
Eon_Theory (2) | May 19, 2014 7:38pm
I've played Ursa both in lane and in jungle and I really prefer just Laning as it gives your team an easier laning, you have enough early game power to deal a large majority of the enemy heroes health. In conjunction with a good harassing ranged support such as Windranger, Silencer or Skywrath Mage he can be used effectively in laning to dominate all the way through Early Game until you get Phase Boots and Vlad's Offering. Once you have these item's I normally attempt to solo Rosh to get the advantage on my enemies and either stay in the lane, start farming the jungle for some easy gold now that jungling is much easier or start ganking and roaming and looking for easier kills :D
SkyStormSpectre (22) | December 3, 2013 12:02pm
A fairly important con for Ursa is how easily he can get kited, might want to add it. That's why you have a Shadow Blade and Basher in there and a situational Blink Dagger. Not bad for a jungle build.
Souta (1) | December 3, 2013 10:55am
Allegiance wrote:

I know this is a pub guide for jungle ursa, but you should still mention, that laning ursa is way more effective;
also ursa is not a bad laner and comboed up with some other heroes can get kills early on

Additionally I would almost always recommend Blink Dagger over Shadow Blade
Blink is cheaper and allows to jump on people and just explode them right away. Also it is reliable initiation even if the enemies got detection. ;)

Its not anytime effective to Laning Ursa. And yes this a Jungle Guide to Ursa so i dont needed to mention it. But yeah, in my Opinion Ursa is going Godlike easy, if u find a good "Mix" between Laning and Jungleing.

At last, im happy about all Comments =)
Allegiance (9) | December 3, 2013 6:42am
I know this is a pub guide for jungle ursa, but you should still mention, that laning ursa is way more effective;
also ursa is not a bad laner and comboed up with some other heroes can get kills early on

Additionally I would almost always recommend Blink Dagger over Shadow Blade
Blink is cheaper and allows to jump on people and just explode them right away. Also it is reliable initiation even if the enemies got detection. ;)
Souta (1) | December 1, 2013 9:14am
TurKAdaM wrote:

Your build is great, however you don't need full life and mana for roshaning solo (just get that fixed), also a stout shield instead of the quelling blades will be way more effective but you will have 8 tangos. Since Ursa has 6 armor at beginning ( very, very high) if you get a stout shield the strongest creep can deal about20-25 damage to you, so keep an eye on that. also if you get stout shield you can get healing salve and 2 set of tangoes. Ursa is one of my best 5 heroes so don't have an argument with me bro :)

thanks man :)
~ added Stout shield
TurKAdaM | December 1, 2013 4:48am
Your build is great, however you don't need full life and mana for roshaning solo (just get that fixed), also a stout shield instead of the quelling blades will be way more effective but you will have 8 tangos. Since Ursa has 6 armor at beginning ( very, very high) if you get a stout shield the strongest creep can deal about20-25 damage to you, so keep an eye on that. also if you get stout shield you can get healing salve and 2 set of tangoes. Ursa is one of my best 5 heroes so don't have an argument with me bro :)
Miner110 (1) | November 30, 2013 5:18pm
just was testing Ursa, saw your Build getted 39/9 :D Good Job

xSmitex (1) | November 30, 2013 5:01pm
+1 Like it!
Berserker10 (1) | November 30, 2013 4:57pm
a very good guide man. thx!

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