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One thing to note:
That's no longer true since Fury Swipes is no orb effect anymore. Maybe you want to adopt it to your guide ;)
I know this is a pub guide for jungle ursa, but you should still mention, that laning ursa is way more effective;
also ursa is not a bad laner and comboed up with some other heroes can get kills early on
Additionally I would almost always recommend Blink Dagger over Shadow Blade
Blink is cheaper and allows to jump on people and just explode them right away. Also it is reliable initiation even if the enemies got detection. ;)
Its not anytime effective to Laning Ursa. And yes this a Jungle Guide to Ursa so i dont needed to mention it. But yeah, in my Opinion Ursa is going Godlike easy, if u find a good "Mix" between Laning and Jungleing.
At last, im happy about all Comments =)
also ursa is not a bad laner and comboed up with some other heroes can get kills early on
Additionally I would almost always recommend Blink Dagger over Shadow Blade
Blink is cheaper and allows to jump on people and just explode them right away. Also it is reliable initiation even if the enemies got detection. ;)
Your build is great, however you don't need full life and mana for roshaning solo (just get that fixed), also a stout shield instead of the quelling blades will be way more effective but you will have 8 tangos. Since Ursa has 6 armor at beginning ( very, very high) if you get a stout shield the strongest creep can deal about20-25 damage to you, so keep an eye on that. also if you get stout shield you can get healing salve and 2 set of tangoes. Ursa is one of my best 5 heroes so don't have an argument with me bro :)
thanks man :)
~ added Stout shield