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4 Votes

godlike sniper

October 30, 2014 by SomeGuides
Comments: 12    |    Views: 6800    |   

the ganker sniper

DotA2 Hero: Sniper

Hero Skills

Keen Scope (Innate)


10 12 13 14


2 4 7 8

Take Aim

1 3 5 9


6 11 16


15 17 18

abut me

in dota 2 my game is {hafe}demons
ive play dota for realy long time and i realy love that game ive played with every hero in the game and i want to share my knowleagde with you guys
so i wrote taht guide for you its simple guide for sniper.
not very hard but not very EZ
if you will do what i told you you will won the match

abut guide

guys this guide will make you the strongest sniper you ever seen
but you must follow what the guide telling you step by step

even if you think you know what your doing just listen to my guide
ive play sniper alot and im realy love him he is realy good and ez hero so listren to my guide and win the match

remember to vote :D

starting a game-lvl 6

buy the items fast and then ask for the mid lane
ig you got invoker puck or pudge in your team let them mid and ask for OFFLANE
if they can give you offlane you need to go with a supp. and farm as much as you can
get all the last hits you can and buy fast the P. boots
if they giving you mid play safe and get last hits dont shoot at the enemy hero that not help!
you must get all the last hits and Denied if you can and after you farm fast you can gank mid EZ at lvl 6

if you getting the OFFLANE you must play sfae or your team will hate you
you need to play next to your tower and get the last hits
OFFLANE tip:the enemy know your solo so he will try to gank you but if you will play safe and next to your tower he will make a mistake and you can gank him there with no problem

that will give you a lot of gold

LEVEL 6:when you reach lvl 6 you go awesome ulti what you need to do its shots the enemy that got the LOWEST HP and hope you get some lucky headshots strikes then just use your ulti and kill him

your ulti not that strong if you use it on full hp hero just use it to kill

just use it to kill...

mid game

now we got up to mid game
you still need to gank the mages and the low hp heroes but know you got your boots and your shdow blade and even DESaltor if you farmed well
so you just need you use your shdow blade run next to enemy [far from him but not so far] and then shoot him untill he will slain!!!
taht **** will give you a lot of gold for each kill and you can become super strong super fast.
after all that you can go to lanes and push for gold and to get the game run faster

IF YOU OFFLANE: you need to gank alot but try to not move from your spot stay in your lane and farm
even if there is a TF[teamFight[ that start keep farming

late game

ok here there is realy nothing to say

if you listebn to thuis guide you need to be strong

if you get every thing that i wrote no one can kill you ust killl every one at the map and use shdow blade to escape

*if you use shdow blade and then p. boots the shdow blade efect will gone and ppl cna see you again so BECARFULL.


so here some tips for sniper: as much as you can and dont think your not carry!!!
2.sniper got realy low HP so dontget close to enemy your disdance its your streange
3.dont be fools sniper cant kill tank at the mid game he must farm and w8 for the LATE game
4.if one from your team got blink or something like that [force stuff]
but TP scroll and ask him to get you to the top of the hill
like next to rishen there is a little hill over there go on there and w8 for some one to come or make a TF and then you will kill them all and no one can get you [its not working if they got force stuff or pudge or some other heroes]after the teamfight end use tp and go to lane or base
5.go next to your frined when you unseen and then when some one come to hit him get out and help him
6.dont get roshen aegis your sniper -_-

guys plz vote!


actully snipe riends are those who can slow the enemy's

like drow ranger venimncer even tuse when he can block the enemy
but actully what the thing taht realy coll with the sniepr he dont need those friends he can kill solo

but the enemys that something else
as i told you sniper got realy LOW HP so if some one will get close to him you will DIE!!!
like pudge that cna hook you or clockwerk that can hook you and block you!
even tusk that can get close to you and kill you with one shot

so im not going to write them all but who can slow the enemy or give you EXTRA DMG realy god for you like drow luna or vS that giving GOOD DMG BOOST
and venomncr drow and tusk that slow the enemy's

and the heroes that can get close to you or kill you fast those are you FOES

if you see they got pudge clock werk or someone like this guys think few times before picking sniper becouse then you may lose!!!

just to get clear

that guide realy simple i dont want to write so much and then you guys dont control this guide its simple but you can win for sure
i dont writh CONS and PRO its waste of time for you guys i got some Solutions in this guide
like the slow speed he got you can buy and win the match
wyhen ppl tell you this hero cant escape they noobs
he can escape if you know what you doing and buy the right items
you got invis. when they coming to you and if they slow you down use p. boots if that not help you made a mistake or your team wasnt there for ya!

so now its the end of the guide and what im saying now its GL HF and add me to your Dota


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