this is my first hour on this site
i am doing it from internet explorer from xbox 360
really sorry if the guide in strange words
first we get starting item 4 clarties 1 teleport
then get sage mask then boots then make ur urn
get a soul ring
then get boots of travel
go for dagon then heart then scepter
okay abbout startimg items
go top lane land a mine at the creep meetimg area but nearer to the enemy so they get damaged making winning the lane easier then tp bot and activate clarty then do the samething go to mid then go land mines at the middle of the lane
urn to heal urself soulring mana
boots of travel change from place to place using all traps the enemy will fear mov without a tower or gem
heart so udont die from ur third
to spell 1
keep placing esspically to rosh and runes same with spell 4
spell 2 at each lane
spell 3 awesome with shadow blade in the middle of enigmas black hole or magnus ans gg
u are the teamfight preparer
thx pls have fun and comment
other items
it is great to have arcane boots for being a support,
boots of travel helps him get kills and gold faster as well as farm
sycthe of vyse maybe would do well.
to increase ur phisycal dmage you can buy medillion
remote controls can be wards at roshan pit if u put a couple of them in there going roshan will be hard
going with shadow blade + heart is more effective than going with shadow blade only
(because u can have some health left but other heros may die and the left may kill u)
heart will deny this and make have like 1000 Hp left
let the speed of boots of travel work
necronmicon would be needed
U Need scepter for ur ult to be properly good
u can farm the jungle by asking your support to stack the jungle and put remote mines.,, everywhere then blow up the whole creeps
u can kill normal people with 4-5 remote controls with scepter dealing each like 550-600 dmage for like 3000 dmage!!!
sucide can be used to deny urself completely
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