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A giant wall of text of useless items, skill builds, and stuff that probably wont work.
but still, looks great.
Just look for a few Miracle-, MidOne, Ana... etc... playing Invoker... I mean...
Why would you need 5 points in Quas at level 14? you just need 3 or 4 so you can do your combos and have decent regen... QW is pretty ok but really out of the meta and... right click Invoker? theres a reason most of the people don't go for this... maybe as a safelane carry?
and... +30% XP bonus? the bonus Forge Spirit has around 9% more winrate... look at dotabuff, +15 damage? for a hero that already has damage and is probably going to die a lot early because of bad armor? the HP bonus has around 3% more winrate in dotabuff...
Probably you're not going to edit it, but please just remove some useless stuff in here, I feel bad for low-MMR players that get some Invoker that goes for Phase Boots into Rod of Atos, Lotus Orb and Eye of Skadi...
congrats on the win tho
I know a lot of the stuff is quite situational (aka useless), but in some rare games those items can be the key to get ahead imo.
The 5 points in Quas are more of a pub-build, yes, it's way easier to get solo kills with higher Quas, for a well coordinated team you won't need those, true. Maybe I could add that.
To be fair, the Xp talent is maybe a bit biased by my bad micro and some way too good games I had when those came out. I still saw quite some top invokers also choosing it in some games, so I don't think the pure dotabuff stat is all too relevant and the choice still depends on the matchups.
I made the skillbuilds for optimal games and I feel if you have a very good game, the damage will do more than the HP, you will get a decent amount of HP from items (Aghs, Octa), but will rarely go for damage items (apart from the damage you get from int). It's true though, in most games that don't go perfectly you'll want the HP talent.
Don't realy know what you have against those items, Phase were a long time standart, not currently but sometimes still valuable, if you can't reach a bigger item, Rod, ok, just for snowballing/fun games. But Lotus? It's imo in a lot of games the better choice over the standart Linkens? To be fair, I did label most of those items as 'rare' or 'optional', so I realy don't commmend getting those regularly.
About starting items, as I wrote, it's for all ranges of MMR and you won't always get pulled tangos in lower ranges so I talk a bit about your alternatives.
Also this guide is not about playing midlane and the early itembuild is quite universal for most int heroes.
About those rare items: yes they are subotimal and you don't realy want to go for them, but in a game where you can't afford to go straight Octarine or something, those are good options to keep you alive? I understand your point on Aether Lens, but hat's wrong with Lotus Orb? Against silences and some physical damage dealers it is more effective than getting Euls vs silence and Shivas for armor? In a lot of situations better than a Linkens.
Talents, well read into the guide some more, I do talk about the situativeness (is that a word?) of the choices. The Talents chosen at the top are just the options for a imo optimal game.
QE sucks and QW is realy situational? What direction do you suggest? WE? Nobody actually does that.
About my own games, yes I suck, thanks for pointing that out, I'm fully aware of that. I never play ranked and tryhard, I just wanna have fun and I can have that with Invoker.
Dotabuff seems to not count botgames to the winrate.
DOTAFire is the place to find the perfect build guide to take your game to the next level. Learn how to play a new hero, or fine tune your favorite DotA hero’s build and strategy.
but still, looks great.
Just look for a few Miracle-, MidOne, Ana... etc... playing
Why would you need 5 points in
and... +30% XP bonus? the bonus
Probably you're not going to edit it, but please just remove some useless stuff in here, I feel bad for low-MMR players that get some
congrats on the win tho
I know a lot of the stuff is quite situational (aka useless), but in some rare games those items can be the key to get ahead imo.
The 5 points in Quas are more of a pub-build, yes, it's way easier to get solo kills with higher Quas, for a well coordinated team you won't need those, true. Maybe I could add that.
To be fair, the Xp talent is maybe a bit biased by my bad micro and some way too good games I had when those came out. I still saw quite some top invokers also choosing it in some games, so I don't think the pure dotabuff stat is all too relevant and the choice still depends on the matchups.
I made the skillbuilds for optimal games and I feel if you have a very good game, the damage will do more than the HP, you will get a decent amount of HP from items (Aghs, Octa), but will rarely go for damage items (apart from the damage you get from int). It's true though, in most games that don't go perfectly you'll want the HP talent.
Don't realy know what you have against those items, Phase were a long time standart, not currently but sometimes still valuable, if you can't reach a bigger item, Rod, ok, just for snowballing/fun games. But Lotus? It's imo in a lot of games the better choice over the standart Linkens? To be fair, I did label most of those items as 'rare' or 'optional', so I realy don't commmend getting those regularly.
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About starting items, as I wrote, it's for all ranges of MMR and you won't always get pulled tangos in lower ranges so I talk a bit about your alternatives.
Also this guide is not about playing midlane and the early itembuild is quite universal for most int heroes.
About those rare items: yes they are subotimal and you don't realy want to go for them, but in a game where you can't afford to go straight Octarine or something, those are good options to keep you alive? I understand your point on Aether Lens, but hat's wrong with Lotus Orb? Against silences and some physical damage dealers it is more effective than getting Euls vs silence and Shivas for armor? In a lot of situations better than a Linkens.
Talents, well read into the guide some more, I do talk about the situativeness (is that a word?) of the choices. The Talents chosen at the top are just the options for a imo optimal game.
QE sucks and QW is realy situational? What direction do you suggest? WE? Nobody actually does that.
About my own games, yes I suck, thanks for pointing that out, I'm fully aware of that. I never play ranked and tryhard, I just wanna have fun and I can have that with Invoker.
Dotabuff seems to not count botgames to the winrate.