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- don't lose much if you get it early. It takes about 20 minutes to pay for itself.
- Helm, agreed, it's true that it has its uses.
1)You should go
2)Never ever
3)You really should put Helm of Dominator in situationals, its the best item for defense and one of the best for offense, the item is your only chance against deathball push, or if you are 1/7 and have to jungle.Also Clinkz could use some HP regeneration in lane with an early Headress if you not going
The armor reduction build has always been good, although admittedly it got nerfed a bit in 7.07. Deso lost 1 armor and armor multipliers got reduced which makes armor less important.
What changes made the
What do you think of Maelstorm] ? He would give insane procs and distribute his damage, much like [[Windranger
Also, what do you think of the Helm of dominator build ? It is basically to put more hp on a creep and eat him, so you get more damage
Drums is never a substandard choice.
Drum stacking is legit.
When will people ever learn...............
Check out my build 3 :)
Drum stacking is legit.
When will people ever learn...............
And when you pick up Medallion with it, you are an incredibly strong solo Rosh hero. Even with the Medallon nerf (I personally think if you don't go Orchid, you need to go Medallion + Soul Ring just for the sustain).
Plus Satanic is a pretty good item on