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Ginsing's Juggernaut - Midgame Superstar

September 25, 2015 by Ginsing
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eeon (6) | July 13, 2015 11:32am
Oh god! thank you, finally a build without MoM! I personally prefer going attack speed items with the AGHS build, like AC or Mjollnir and then a basher to top it off. Also you should consider a butterfly for late game.
Ginsing | June 19, 2015 2:54pm
Added some optional late game items for more diverse options per suggestions
fires.of.hell (2) | June 14, 2015 1:13pm
Mask of Madness is heavily nerfed last patch. 30% damage for 17% AS and MS boost ? Volvo gotta be kidding me. I'd rather pick Vladmir's Offering since he has a pretty AGI gain but it's always depends on the player, To what build he think he is comfortable or feasible.
fires.of.hell (2) | June 14, 2015 1:00pm
Uhmm, y no Diffusal Blade ? Smart players tend to buy Ghost Scepter 'coz of an obvious reason but during Ghost state you can't slap 'em. Diffusal Blade can debuff/remove that ghost buff and let you continue throw punches also since Omnislash is a physical damage Guardian Angel block that and gladly Diffusal Blade can also remove that but it's situational.
Ginsing | June 13, 2015 1:54pm
Y u no Mask of Madness?

I am just really not a fan. I know there are many advantages and uses for it, and the pros use it.

I prefer the HoD which gives you extra damage and allows for you to stack your own ancients. The MoM 30% amp is too big a price for me. There are plenty of guides that bring up the MoM option. I didn't mention it here because I don't use it.

However maybe I will play a few more games with the MoM build and see how it goes, may as well broaden my horizons :)

Appreciate your comment.
UltraSuperHyper (12) | June 13, 2015 9:58am
U can mention an ultra luxury refresher orb.
apaz (17) | June 12, 2015 4:25pm
Y u no Mask of Madness? It gets you up to the next damage threshold on Omnislash, and it synergises well with Aghanim's Scepter. A level 3 Omnislash with Mask of Madness actually ends up dealing more damage than a level 3 Ominslash with [{Aghanim's Scepter]].

I reccomend Battle Fury ---> Mask of Madness ---> Aghanim's Scepter for the Omnislash build.

For the DAC DPS build, I reccomend Mask of Madness ---> Black King Bar ---> Skull Basher.

Other than build inefficiencies, nice guide.
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