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I would just ask to skip on SnY, it seems to not be very known around here, but AM's Q is an orb on it's own. SnY is also an orb, and overrides the mana break, making you do less damage, as well as not drain mana.
I would also ask not to level Spellshield in the Battlefury build, and instead max blink out first. A maxed out blink can farm jungle camps even faster. Leaving Spellshield at rank 1 yields a 26% resistence to magic, whereas the next ranks of spellshield only give an 8% increase to spell resistance... I just feel the points could be better spent, in some cases though, I do agree with early levels in E, however most of the time, your W and Q are much stronger skills, as long as you leave E at at least one rank
Just my 2 cents
I don't get why people insist to wait with spell shield to evel 8...
24% reduced spell damage is huge early on, a lot bigger than 75 range and 3 sec cooldown reduce on blink
I don't insist on this at all. The two builds are supposed to be foils for eachother; the farm one is defensive geared towards carrying as hard as possible end game, while the kill **** build assumes ideal conditions.
The build is, imo, irrelevant; if you apply it well, you can max any of your skills first, and have it be very successful. Blink first is the standard in league, shield first is very useful in certain contexts, and manabreak first is very effective against solo heroes/pubs/weaker players.
If you are against a nuker, then you get a level or two of spell shield. If you are against several nukers, you max it asap (by 7 if there is little potential for being ganked or getting an ally to gank).
The "kill ****" build just assumes ideal conditions; ie in a strong trilane, or against a drow, etc.
If you are against Lich, CM, and Visage you are obviously going to change the build drastically (well, change the lane realistically), and if you are against just lich a level on spellshield is a good compromise.
I did write this in the guide, but I suppose I should make it more explicit or just change the build to assume they have some form of nuke in the lane. If they somehow leave no nukers in lane or ganking against an AM, then the build is ideal, but you're right, it isn't very realistic.
I don't get why people insist to wait with spell shield to evel 8...
24% reduced spell damage is huge early on, a lot bigger than 75 range and 3 sec cooldown reduce on blink
I don't insist on this at all. The two builds are supposed to be foils for eachother; the farm one is defensive geared towards carrying as hard as possible end game, while the kill **** build assumes ideal conditions.
The build is, imo, irrelevant; if you apply it well, you can max any of your skills first, and have it be very successful. Blink first is the standard in league, shield first is very useful in certain contexts, and manabreak first is very effective against solo heroes/pubs/weaker players.
So I really just w
If you are against a nuker, then you get a level or two of spell shield. If you are against several nukers, you max it asap (by 7 if there is little potential for being ganked or getting an ally to gank).
I don't get why people insist to wait with spell shield to evel 8...
24% reduced spell damage is huge early on, a lot bigger than 75 range and 3 sec cooldown reduce on blink
I don't insist on this at all. The two builds are supposed to be foils for eachother; the farm one is defensive geared towards carrying as hard as possible end game, while the kill **** build assumes ideal conditions.
The build is, imo, irrelevant; if you apply it well, you can max any of your skills first, and have it be very successful. Blink first is the standard in league, shield first is very useful in certain contexts, and manabreak first is very effective against solo heroes/pubs/weaker players.
So I really just w
If you are against a nuker, then you get a level or two of spell shield. If you are against several nukers, you max it asap (by 7 if there is little potential for being ganked or getting an ally to gank).
24% reduced spell damage is huge early on, a lot bigger than 75 range and 3 sec cooldown reduce on blink
I followed the second build and finished 13/2 :D
Very good +1
nice. :)
I just noticed I didn't include wand, so added that. I build wand every hero every game, so it was easy to forget. -_-
Very good +1