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On another note, I find a bottle lacking in the itembuild for the same reasons as stated in the guide; he's quite mana consuming and a great ganker early-mid game. I would consider bottle for any hero falling in that category - gyro is no exception.
E.g. Kiting or ****blocking an enemy hero with haste, barrage and a missile to follow easily secures kills when diving past towers or deep in the enemy jungle, a quick dd and flak canon for teamfights, or full regen to keep the pressure on the opposing team.
EDIT: Oops, I had a manta style, not an mkb.
EDIT 2: Also, forgot to mention that you should add that you should always break invis with a flak attack. Pop flak cannon before you go invis, this way you add +150 damage on their whole team with your first shot. Also, if you wait for your flak cannon buff to almost expire before you attack, you can use two almost consecutive flak cannons in a teamfight.
Just add the damn Nyx worshipping insect to worst enemies/creatures never to use missile on! Due to the spikes it is just painfully worse than just missing your missile!
Maxing rocket barrage is a much better route, just look how it scales compared to missle. Missle at all levels still stuns for 2.5, which is far more important than the dmg which is inconsistent, especially because the damage only works if they run, and if so, it can be hit down. Maxing barrage first gives you the ability to kill ANYONE in a non-creep situation at low levels, which happens all the time. missing core concepts of the hero, especially if orchid is in your item set. thumbs down.
If you read the guide there IS a time to do exactly what you said, and mathematically you are correct. The reason you max missile is because you need to assume you cant get a kill off of just one against someone at full health, unlike his q its a poke and you want those to be as scary/damaging as possible. His q does bogus damage early and if you want to max that first, go ahead. The problem with it is unless your enemy is painfully stupid you wont be able to get a Q in afterwords most of the time.
it will never be worthy of "core" but its a fine item for its stats and neat bonus.
Thats where im leaving the argument.
I also synergises well with other strong ultis, like tide, zues, lich, furion, dark seer, CHRONO (which, imo is AWESOME - and the best initiate for gyro)
The enemy won't see it coming, so 2 hits are guaranteed, ever notice how quickly the spread as soon as they see you? Aganims eliminates that problem.
I agree with your financial issues, however. And with that in mind, gyro can only truely have an effective 'aganims' build, if he is farming lane (most probably the side / tri lane)
Lets avoid speaking of it and let it go case-by-case.
What im sayin is, why build a scepter when you could get an orchid or an actual item.
You should be in (perhaps intiating) every teamfight so the range is meaningless.
Use it to farm? By the time you have it its super-late game and you could use E to farm much more reliably with damage items.
The slow is very nice, but that assumes people are running. If you are already winning the game (teamfight wise) then scepter didn't change much. Whereas if you need to do more damage in a teamfight, you just spent 4000 gold for 75 of it and a slow.
I will never understand the argument. Why have a scepter with a very limited bonus when you could actually help your team in a teamfight with damage?
I don't feel like orchid is that great of a gyro item. It really turns him into a glass cannon since you're getting no health/str boost at all. The disable/dmg boost is always nice, but if you're assuming you went blink/shadow blade first then orchid, your hp will be abysmal. If you didn't go blink/shadow blade, you will just get blown up. Ags gives you a nice buildup in all areas as the game progresses and allows you to survive an extra nuke or two in team fights. If we are assuming the entire game is teamfights and group pushing, damage items may be more viable if your team lacks dps. But often late game will consist of pushing multiple lanes simultaneously or countering a lane push in another lane while pushing with your team. Ags allows you to control two lanes at once, or provides global damage/slow in gank situations. If you're called on to be your team's hard carry, then it is a bad choice and you should go mkb, etc. But honestly gyro is more of a ganker/semi carry at best in my opinion.
You should be in (perhaps intiating) every teamfight so the range is meaningless.
Use it to farm? By the time you have it its super-late game and you could use E to farm much more reliably with damage items.
The slow is very nice, but that assumes people are running. If you are already winning the game (teamfight wise) then scepter didn't change much. Whereas if you need to do more damage in a teamfight, you just spent 4000 gold for 75 of it and a slow.
I will never understand the argument. Why have a scepter with a very limited bonus when you could actually help your team in a teamfight with damage?