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14 Votes

General Carry Tips

June 10, 2016 by Terathiel
Comments: 35    |    Views: 53962    |   

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asci (1) | December 12, 2017 5:05am
Why people Carry? cause they dont like to help...
Sclipzer | June 11, 2016 4:55am
A very useful guide. I'm trying to learn carries (i'm a support player), and this is extremely helpful. In my opinion Slark should kinda be in the "Hard Carry" part. He has an really high winrate in longer games. (Just think about it, having stacks with 90 agility, a Mjollnir, Sange and Yasha, Abyssal Blade and Eye of Skadi.)
Diadochi (2) | May 27, 2015 9:33pm
Pretty good guide, especially for those who don't have a firm understanding of the game. Just a couple of things as they are heroes I frequently play.
Alchs farming should be a 5. Leave him alone for a couple of minutes and he will pop out an item. The point of alch is also that he snowballs as he gets items faster than other carries as comes online faster than say AM who you've listed as a 5 for farming. In a game I played yesterday I was fully 6 slotted, including BoT lvl2 and a consumed night shard at 40 mins.

Also, I think DK should be on this list. He is a better carry than particularly silencer, razor (who is more an anti carry) and gyro, as well as arguably a few terms of acaling you must remember his amazing splash damage which allows him to fish out huge amounts of damage. Likewise he farms reasonably fast and is unique as a pusher in that he has crazy push. When he has a bkb and satanic he is uber hard to deal with and his slow goes through bkb.

Just as a final point, I think you should consider increasing tb and nagas mobility. They almost always get BoT A LOT earlier than other carries and drive the enemy crazy by going all over the ahow
Terathiel (49) | May 15, 2015 8:19am
I actually see Alch's role as a #3 aura carrier/Aghs giver now. Maelstrom > Aghs (if with a Tony) > auras like Shivas Vlads etc. Maybe he won't be such a sack of **** there :D
Dimonychan (43) | May 14, 2015 5:52pm
michimatsch wrote:

Alchemist is no longer a carry - He is a support :3.
(That's pretty much the only possibility you have unless you plan on doing a crazy snowball carry....which sadly works sometimes)

With his worst Q and W(which are his only support skills)? Please.
I thunk he can be run as a carry or mid with supports/midsif carry)/carries that whose ultimates chanfe the game if they get arly Aghs - most notable [{Witch Doctor]], Warlock, or Lina.
Or, you know, classical afk-farming carry via Mom-Maelstrom.
michimatsch (26) | May 14, 2015 2:40pm
Alchemist is no longer a carry - He is a support :3.
(That's pretty much the only possibility you have unless you plan on doing a crazy snowball carry....which sadly works sometimes)
Terathiel (49) | May 14, 2015 8:06am
The Frosto wrote:

You said by terrorblade durability 3/5 but he is so squishy. His illusions take 425% bonus damage and he has only 1.4 strenght gain. One magical nuke and his illusions are gone. If you buy a lot of tank items he will become tanky but a cm would also become tanky with a skadi and a satanic. He is good against physical damage but qop and lina will clear his illusions with eaz. I don't think he should get 3/5.

I gave TB a 3/5 because while he is weak to magical damage without tank items, Skadi and Satanic are good items on him... not so much CM.

6-slotted, TB has 2832 hp, lifesteal, evasion, 36 armour, and enough DPS to kill people before they kill him. And since he farms so fast, he can get 6-slotted rather easily. It's very hard to bring down TB with physical damage.

Against QoP and Lina, or other heroes, there are better picks than TB anyway. He's so ****-tier right now since more than half the meta directly counters him. Maybe once he gets a good ult :/


time to update :D

Time indeed. I can now happily add Silencer as a carry and bump up brOD a bit.
Smuggels (82) | May 14, 2015 1:22am
Why is the worst carry player in ALL of dota 2 writing a guide on carrying?


well done mate +1 :) though i think slark should be higher since he can wreck most carries ...cant hit what you cant see ;) also with the advent of silver edge he is now a carry hunter rather then a support hunter. time to update :D
The Frosto (14) | May 11, 2015 5:35pm
You said by terrorblade durability 3/5 but he is so squishy. His illusions take 425% bonus damage and he has only 1.4 strenght gain. One magical nuke and his illusions are gone. If you buy a lot of tank items he will become tanky but a cm would also become tanky with a skadi and a satanic. He is good against physical damage but qop and lina will clear his illusions with eaz. I don't think he should get 3/5.
soul hunter (1) | May 11, 2015 4:55pm
that [[terrorblade]set is awesome
soul hunter (1) | May 11, 2015 4:55pm
that [[terrorblade]set is awesome
destroyer0117 | April 29, 2015 1:56am
Um... I always thought Legion Commander could be a carry too if she gets enough duel damage. Is there a reasion why she was not included?
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