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Gaze upon Medusa's beauty, and dispair! Kingmc23's Guide to Medusa

January 28, 2015 by kingmc23
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SWAT V4 | March 4, 2015 6:49am
From what I learned from playing so many Medusa matches is this,

You absolutely need need a Mjolnir as the second item, the "attack speed" goes well with Medusa's ulti. You can make kills with your ultimate ability, if you have a Mjolnir.

I wont advice on getting any sort of life steal on Medusa as core, she just would need some mana regen item instead. well, if there's an Antimage on their team, it's a different story.

Besides, MKB is almost never bought just for the mini stun. I believe it's an unavoidable item when there are evasion heroes in the enemy team.

At 25 minutes you will get a Linken, yes, but I wouldn't advice anyone to jump in fights with that. But Linken gives you enough tankiness to farm Ancients or jungle. I really wouldnt advice a Medusa player to jump into fight before a 40 minute mark when you have at least 2-3 cores.

I really disagree with the skill build too btw. Medusa need that mana shield early.
R-Conqueror (24) | January 30, 2015 7:20pm
The one glaring thing that stands out to me is the choice to completely avoid Monkey King Bar. If you are against an enemy carry with evasion you have to get it, you're so much less effective otherwise. You don't buy it for the mini-bash, although it is nice.
kingmc23 | January 30, 2015 10:05am
I understand perfectly well YellulzQuiet. Split shot is great when you have damage. But what happens when you're 11 with no split shot? Or when you're Ult is down? maelstrom will add extra damage to your aoe damage that comes with Split Shot.
YellulzQuiet (8) | January 29, 2015 7:32pm
You have to understand
Split shot is not so efective to taeamfights until you have moar damage
but it is still a good farming ability
Maelstorm is unecessary
AND those chain lighting procs does not work at her ult
If you want maelstorm into yasha pick an snowballing right click carry like slark or viper, or even Templar assassin but not my Medusa
kingmc23 | January 29, 2015 10:02am
Thanks ChiChi! I will check out your guide and I'll format my guide more properly once I get the time.
ChiChi (47) | January 29, 2015 9:43am
kingmc23, I have found your guide pretty solid concerning this difficult hero.

I can't really offer you insights on him since I don't play her often myself (I prefer the support role), but I leave you here a page about editing your guide, which was give to me and I find very useful:

It has everything from colour to size. It says nothing about heroes and abilities, but for those you just have to write Name of the hero/ability, and it will appear like this: Assault Cuirass, Medusa

If you're into support too, check my guide on Crystal Maiden :)

kingmc23 | January 29, 2015 9:16am
Like I said guys, this guide is mostly my opinion and how I play Medusa. I find that picking up maelstrom then Mjollnir on Medusa can be effective because the attack speed makes farming even easy, so even with those two items bought you can still get a Linkens within 22-26 minutes, or at least I have been able to. My qualms with crits is my own. I understand that it only hits one target and so does Skadi, but the reason Skadi is viable to me is because of the huge stats, hp and mana regen it provides. Hamstertamer, I understand your qualms with my situationals, and I'm still tweaking this guide a bit. I usually only build one particular build with Medusa, but I'm leaving other options open. MKB I will be moving to situational, it's just not something I pick up a lot. Thanks for the constructive criticism guys!.
Hamstertamer (89) | January 29, 2015 2:34am
There are a few problems with the items.

- Heart of Tarrasque...never ever get this on Dusa. If you want to play ultra tank Dusa (not recommended), just stack Skadis. Skadi gives you far more effective HP than heart.

- Bloodstone...please. Mana regen is nice and all but Dusa needs damage. I've seen people experiment with that on twitch and...well it sucked really hard.

- Avoid Monkey King Bar? Just no. It gives true strike to ALL Split Shots so this item is a must if you're facing evasion. besides it gives you a lot of damage (+88 dmg)

- Daedalus...yes you only crit on the main target but it's still a damage item. 81 damage is 81 damage so it's also a good pickup. Dusa needs damage.

- Linken's Sphere as core (bleh, there's no way this item is core on any hero in this game), and no Black King Bar even in situational. Please.
wangyuphing (9) | January 29, 2015 2:14am
Yea all shot true strike

Ez T3 creeps clearing, ez tower
Kyphoid returns (42) | January 29, 2015 1:55am
Your qualms and aversions on crit is pitiable.

Select via right click you want to crit on, just like you do for applying skadi UAM. The one getting frozen will be the one getting crit. EZ

Same goes for mkb. although i think alll shot get the true strike.

mjollnir is good situational choice when you can disregard linkens and went a fast yasha into maelstrom.
wangyuphing (9) | January 29, 2015 12:43am
You wasted your gold on Mjollnir when you already can flashfarm with that Split Shot.

And bcs of that you just delayed your Linken's Sphere congratz bro

And IMO around 15-20 mins is when you should get Linken's Sphere.

And Monkey King Bar is situational not avoided.
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