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Gather for the Charge, A Razor Guide

February 1, 2015 by IHateTheFogOfWar
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DotA2 Hero: Razor

Hero Skills

Unstable Current (Innate)

Plasma Field

2 7 9 10

Static Link

1 3 5 8

Storm Surge

4 12 13 14

Eye of the Storm

6 11 16


15 17 18

Gather for the Charge, A Razor Guide

February 1, 2015


Hey guys, this is my first guide so please leave feedback and some suggestions.
Anyway, Razor is my favourite hero only because he cant basically do everything disable and initiate. His item build is massively flexible and he's a really fun hero.
Anyway I wont go over his abilities in this guide.

Early game

Razor can go any lane! He does fine in any lane. BUT DONT JUNGLE OMG PLS. He preferably goes mid in most cases which works great because he has very good ganking capability and his static link gives most solo laning opponents a very difficult time.
Typically what you want to start out with is:
-Typical Regeneration
-Stout shield
-2 iron branches

Get 2 slippers of agility at your earliest convenience to make a poor mans shield.
Early game try to get as many last hits as possible and harass using you Plasma Field once every often. If your mid then get a bottle at the earliest after your poor mans's shield to establish rune control.

One you reach level 6 you are ready to gank. Your ultimate is a great ganking tool and should be used.

Mid game

Mid game is when Razor is at his best.
After you make your boots follow up with a:
-Sange and Yasha
-Aghanim's Sceptor

These are good items on Razor. The SnY is good because it gives some movement speed which we need considering how we are skilling our passive last and it gives us some tankiness as building tanky on Razor is the name of the game with Razor.
The sceptor is amazing because you ultimate is even more broken and now you can hit building! Take advantage of this and push down as many towers as possible!

Mid game means you have a job to do. Mid game is when you need to start pushing down towers. Razor is a good pusher with his sceptor. If theres a team fight breaking out anywhere on the map be there! Razor can demolish opponents mid game thanks to his damage steal. This is why I always make sure to carry a tp scroll at this time. Not a bad idea.
If you manage to get those crucial kills then you're doing great!

Mid-Late game

By now you should've taken down a couple towers atleast. If you have sufficient farm then buy a Heart. Its pretty self explanatory. This makes you so tanky, it should always be considered.
Make sure to use your link and storm in battle always, use your plasma field to get escaping enemies.
Keep pushing towers down and carry a tp scroll to quickly transport yourself into a teamfight.

Late game

Late game is pretty much yours if you've down most towers. Stick with your hard carry now and aid him in battle. Its pretty straightforward from here but I will make another chapter to explain this guy's situationals.

Situational items and when to buy them

-Assault Cuirass: Such a great item on Razor. It must always be considered. A great buy if noone has one on your team yet.
-Black King Bar: Great pickup if you're up against a line up of heavy magical damage and also great if you're the main target in teamfights.
-Daedalus: Great DPS item on Razor. Remember Crits + Your base damage + 224 linked damage = Eternal buttrape.
-Desolator: Good pickup if you are up against a bunch Agility heroes.
-Eye of skadi: Makes you even more tanky while giving you some good stats and lets you orb walk with ease.
-Manta style: Dodging projectile stuns and tanky illusions is a pretty good selling point.
-Heaven's Halberd: Great pickup if against a bunch of Right clickers like Ursa, Drow Ranger and Sniper.
-Divine Rapier: >:) its rape time baby.

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