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77 Votes

@GAN's Guide to Prophet Victory (updated) w/ different playstyles

January 17, 2014 by harumage
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Hutska35 (1) | July 2, 2014 6:33am
How to avoid ganks while split pushing?
harumage (15) | January 17, 2014 4:50am
KoKoBm wrote:

What?No dagon?

There is dagon. If you go for full gank.
harumage (15) | January 17, 2014 4:49am
burnz0083 wrote:

What are your thoughts on bloodseeker as a good ally. The combination of Thirst and Teleportation can be deadly for retreating enemy heroes.

Well, it really depends on the situation. The best allies are the ones that help u in all kinds of situations, and bloodseeker is quite a good choice due to his rupture and silence, while sprouted opponents that are melee cant attack when raged.
KoKoBm | December 28, 2013 4:10am
What?No dagon?
burnz0083 | November 29, 2013 9:18pm
What are your thoughts on bloodseeker as a good ally. The combination of Thirst and Teleportation can be deadly for retreating enemy heroes.
harumage (15) | November 24, 2013 5:32am
Egoist330z wrote:

How about replacing deso with skadi? Will that work fine too?

skadi is not as good unless you are going for a full gank build.
Egoist330z | November 17, 2013 9:49pm
How about replacing deso with skadi? Will that work fine too?
crank1199 (1) | July 27, 2013 8:10am
I need the regal forest set
harumage (15) | May 26, 2013 1:01am

Prophet is generally played as a semicarry/pusher, treads provide some cushioning against his awfull hp and also provide him with more attack speed. All your mana needs are fulfilled via tread-switching

Ab4ddon._.E43 (12) | May 17, 2013 11:39am
O-R-W-K wrote:

I'm kinda new to prophet so why do you get those boots and not, say, arcanes?

Prophet is generally played as a semicarry/pusher, treads provide some cushioning against his awfull hp and also provide him with more attack speed. All your mana needs are fulfilled via tread-switching
O-R-W-K | May 17, 2013 11:09am
I'm kinda new to prophet so why do you get those boots and not, say, arcanes?
harumage (15) | May 13, 2013 4:17am
chenboy3 wrote:

I feel like Storm Spirit should be added as a counter, as if you don't know where he is and he just pops up, orchids you and bam dead prophet

when storm spirit flys in and orchids you, you can kill him easily if you are fat with orchid and hex. your orchid renders him useless and hex for another 3.5s disable allows u to dps him down before he can do anything.
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