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1 Votes

Ganking, Rosh, and Kills. Oh My!

April 14, 2013 by Zacattack319
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Build 1
Build 2

Extra damage at game start

DotA2 Hero: Meepo

Hero Skills

Sticky Fingers (Innate)


2 8 9 10


3 4 5 7


1 12 13 14

Divided We Stand

6 11 16


15 17 18

A little Tip

I find it easier to play Meepo when my pinky finger is on the Tab key, so i can quickly switch between clones, and my ring finger in Q, and middle finger on W, why waste space when both E and R are both passive?

this is what your'e hand should look like

P= pinky
R= Ring finger
M= Middle finger
I= Index finger, or pointer finger.

Pros Cons

Fun when done right
Can permabind with earth bind
Fast leveling
Can kill Roshan at lv 11
Can kill a lot of people with multiple poofs
Funniest character ever.

Squishy especially in the beginning
one clone dies they all die
Requires major micro
Low damage at game start.

Characters not well against

Huskar- if fed, be very cautious against him
Jakiro- can freeze all you Meepos
Slardar- can stun all your Meepos
Centar war runner- can stun all you Meepos then kill one thus killing you.
Nyx Assasin- can turn invisible, stun you, and kill you very quickly
Lich- Chain frost does MASSIVE damage
Sven- can stun all meepos and his cleave will damage all of you other meepos as well.
Lion- Can stun all of your meepos and use his ult to kill or nearly kill you.

Note, try not to lane against stunners

Characters Meepo CAN destroy (if played properly)

Templar Assassin- She turns invisible to escape, or to sneak up on you, but you saw her. Poof poof poof poof, dead.
Keeper of the light- Just avoid illuminate, net, poof=dead.
Drow- If Drow is in game, and there is no other possible mids, then go mid, be careful,just deny and get last hits when you can, and when you have at least two Meepo's, net poof kill. (ofcourse net more then once in case the poofs don't kill her, because if they don't, they will bring her down pretty low.)

Game start

Play mid, if you are comfortable with Meepo, that way you will level to 6 quickly, therefore you will farm much easier, and become overpowered quickly. However this is dangerous and unless you have had some wins with Meepo under your belt, if this is your first time playing Meepo play the long lane it's the safest and easiest lane to farm with Meepo.

Play it way safe till your level 6, then you can be more lax. But be wary of ganks, and Pudge if he is in game.

Jungle with meepo

Once you hit level 6 you can send one Meepo in the jungle and have the other get experience while near the tower and getting last hits.

Or you can just run through the jungle and poof your way through all of the neutrals and run to gank anyone on your way through the jungle.

Once you have Vladimir's though it will be easier to survive, run into jungle and boom, healing.

for a better explanation please click the link below
Purge plays Meepo


Once you are level 11 you can kill Rosh, but it is not recommended, you should wait atleast untill you are level 14. Rosh can kill you if you don,t play carefully, wait until you have Mekanism, also when one Meepo is lowish on health you can attempt to poof him to the furthest Meepo to try and force Rosh to hit a different Meepo. And while that Meepo is being hit have the Meepo with low health heal with tranquil boots, once all of their boots are used, use Mekanism to heal the rest, by then Rosh should be dead.

Ganking and Kills

When ganking or in a team fight throw earth bind twice, then move up towards them, note: your Meepos should already be moving towards the victim anyways, Once you get up to them start some poofs and throw another Earth bind, and finish it off with a poof, by then they should be dead or low enough to kill with your auto attack.

Be careful of AOE stuns, they will interrupt your Meepos, but wont stop them, they will just start over.

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