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Ganking Drow Ranger - They won't escape you!

June 7, 2016 by instagib
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plaq (3) | June 7, 2016 2:52pm
So you take safe lane only to gain levels+rush blink and then you start to roam. Main point of roaming heroes is creating space, but who uses this space when you took safe lane and should be the one using space?
So you don't want to be the carry but you leave your carry underfarmed by forcing him to go hardlane when you could pick some more suitable roaming hero or offlaner with roaming potencial and do the same job but better (since you would not force your carry out of safe lane).

Drow is specific hero that needs her team to play around her with item timings/objective taking and you want to end game as soon as possible taking advantage of great sieging power of Drow and her great midgame scaling (or there is great build that capitalizes on aghs+mjollnir).

And last thing... why do you have problems with fat fisherman pudge when you have blink? He has no way of hooking you and you should easily survive blink into dismember and then just kite him to oblivion with your superior mobility (maybe even consider force staff)
instagib | June 10, 2016 1:56am
You are right, this Drow is not supposed to take safe lane and farm from main carry
As i said, you should pick both Drow and playstyle for her according to situation and heroes in your team and enemy
And if your team is something like that - Drow, CM (put any support here), Axe (any jungler), SS (any mider) and Clockwerk (any offlaner) - well, it's definitely Drow goes safelane
As of Meat Boy, i think he is a problem for many heroes, and Drow is no exception
His long range hooks, pure dmg, BKB piercing disable, slow - he can make problems for a Drow
And as yous pointed, force staff (and now especially Hurricane Pyke) is very good against Pudge or other melees
superreddragon | June 7, 2016 12:51pm
Awesome guide! Thanks a lot @instagib you did a great and usefull job! Ill try this build in my next game. I belive that this guide is only the begin.

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

instagib | June 7, 2016 1:15pm
Thanks mate, i hope you ll like it)
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