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Gank ALL the Heroes! Guide to Night Stalker

January 25, 2014 by CheakyTeak
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Prophet_M5 | July 14, 2014 8:28am
I just played nightstalker for the first time last night. I had a blast. first two nights I was a having a blast. I need to work up a build that is better for me. I made the mistake of getting an aghanim's early and was too squishy mid game. That being said, with my ult and silence I was assisting well in team fights. Good guide! thanks
CheakyTeak | January 28, 2014 1:35pm

You can't just not go on anti-mage, you have to do it, you have to stop him, to scare him so much he won't even come back to lane. 5 seconds of silence are MORE than enough to kill any blinking hero, even if you're alone, since they are incredibly squishy early game. Slightly better stats? More movement speed and more attack speed combined with a 5 second silence are definitely more impactful than 20 seconds of night in the first few minutes.

There is a contradiction between balanar and late game: if the game drags so long it means you did something wrong. Batman is one of the few heroes that lets you totally stomp your enemies and usually the game never lasts more than 30 minutes, you dominate the early mid game e the enemies simply can't stop you.

I can't stress enough how strong armlet is on balanar, even now after the nerf. It gives you everything you need: hp, damage, armor, hp regen, attack speed. These are all stats that will boost you kill potential incredibly, then you might consider other options like bkb for teamfights or halberd to counter the enemy carry.

Agree to disagree. It's obvious that both of us has very different playing styles, but I'd advise you to read some other popular guides on this website. I believe 90% back up my choices, but I respect your opinion. If it works for you, great!
bastardodentro (2) | January 28, 2014 1:48am
CheakyTeak wrote:

The points in fear is debatable, I didn't put any in because I like to put more emphasis on choosing my targets. Using your Anti-Mage example, I would never be going after him because of blink. Also, the ulti is personal preference. Extended night is better than slightly better stats, but thats just my opinion.

Scepter is an incredible item on Night Stalker, and im surprised you don't agree. Being able to see through trees is amazing, and it's one of your few contributions late game. (35+ minutes.) All of your other skills fall off, but Balanar is one of the few heroes that has this amazing ability. But thanks for the feedback!

You can't just not go on anti-mage, you have to do it, you have to stop him, to scare him so much he won't even come back to lane. 5 seconds of silence are MORE than enough to kill any blinking hero, even if you're alone, since they are incredibly squishy early game. Slightly better stats? More movement speed and more attack speed combined with a 5 second silence are definitely more impactful than 20 seconds of night in the first few minutes.

There is a contradiction between balanar and late game: if the game drags so long it means you did something wrong. Batman is one of the few heroes that lets you totally stomp your enemies and usually the game never lasts more than 30 minutes, you dominate the early mid game e the enemies simply can't stop you.

I can't stress enough how strong armlet is on balanar, even now after the nerf. It gives you everything you need: hp, damage, armor, hp regen, attack speed. These are all stats that will boost you kill potential incredibly, then you might consider other options like bkb for teamfights or halberd to counter the enemy carry.
CheakyTeak | January 27, 2014 2:47pm

Hmmm no.
No points in fear before the first night means you are very likely to get stunned and **** and you can't gank heroes with reliable escapes like antimage. Also it is absolutely unnecessary to get your ulti at level 6, much better to delay it till level 8/9 since your other skill have a much higher impact on the game during the first night.

I might agree with blade mail, but dude, aghs? really? That's a totally useless item on balanar. You should consider bkb or armlet or even a dagon if you're snowballing really hard, you don't really need that unobstructed vision for 4k gold.

The points in fear is debatable, I didn't put any in because I like to put more emphasis on choosing my targets. Using your Anti-Mage example, I would never be going after him because of blink. Also, the ulti is personal preference. Extended night is better than slightly better stats, but thats just my opinion.

Scepter is an incredible item on Night Stalker, and im surprised you don't agree. Being able to see through trees is amazing, and it's one of your few contributions late game. (35+ minutes.) All of your other skills fall off, but Balanar is one of the few heroes that has this amazing ability. But thanks for the feedback!
bastardodentro (2) | January 27, 2014 6:37am
Hmmm no.
No points in fear before the first night means you are very likely to get stunned and **** and you can't gank heroes with reliable escapes like antimage. Also it is absolutely unnecessary to get your ulti at level 6, much better to delay it till level 8/9 since your other skill have a much higher impact on the game during the first night.

I might agree with blade mail, but dude, aghs? really? That's a totally useless item on balanar. You should consider bkb or armlet or even a dagon if you're snowballing really hard, you don't really need that unobstructed vision for 4k gold.
CheakyTeak | January 26, 2014 7:07am
Wisheezy wrote:

Nice guide. I've actually yet to even play Night Stalker as I'm new to Dota but this seemed like a good starting guide to him, i'll be sure to follow it when trying him out soon. Thanks for the time you put into this

He's a great hero! If you have any questions, feel free to ask me! Glad you liked the guide, hope it helps~ :D
Wisheezy | January 26, 2014 5:06am
Nice guide. I've actually yet to even play Night Stalker as I'm new to Dota but this seemed like a good starting guide to him, i'll be sure to follow it when trying him out soon. Thanks for the time you put into this
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