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7 Votes

Game Winning Shadowblade Razor Build***

October 17, 2013 by fowbo999
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merilvingien | April 6, 2014 7:34am
I've gotten the play with this build down and sorted. Had a 3-win series (all as mid) today with scorelines of 21-0-10, 28-2-8 & 20-1-11. Check out the my game replays for April 6th (merilvingien).

It's a very easy to use build but the last poster was correct, as soon as they go wards you can get ruined. But then if you're smart you choose the battlefield and hopefully avoid wards. It's a lot of fun running alongside someone while you're linking them and zapping them with your ulti and they can't respond.
eeon (6) | October 21, 2013 11:28am
Interesting choice with Shadow Blade, I ve never used, but hey, let s give it a try! I m pretty sure that illusions from Manta Style don't get the bonus from Static Link..pretty sure. I don t usually build manta on Razor and prefere a raw Yasha with Heaven's Halberd. not really helpful if the team buys detection as they WILL focus you down,but I ll try it. And it's LUXURY not luxery. Nice guide. gj
superpetro | October 20, 2013 8:56pm
I played this build 4 times in the limited heros format. Its really good. I carried once and won 4 times total. I traded my aquilla ring for an assault cuirass late game though. Drum of endurance would have been a good idea too but i didn't think of it. invis works really well at shutting down drow, sniper and viper a few good carries that are popular in limited heros.

IMO this is pretty smart and reliable for 5 or 6 kills.
fowbo999 | October 17, 2013 1:33pm
I just made some edits. I added drum of endurance to situational and I added refresher orb for luxery. I don't personnally find the drum makes too much of a difference to make it a core item. It can be useful but I find its more important to rush for yasha to build into a manta then to spend time buying the drum.

I also fixed the skill for level 10 that was missing and I added a point on detection.

I don't feel detection threatens this guide so much, you may want a vitality booster or a vanguard just incase you are detected but I really feel razor can hold his own if he is detected.

Being detected does not mean dead with this build, especially once you have manta. It is true AOE can counter this but I really haven't had much of a problem with it, been using this build past 3-4 games and I have yet to be countered effectively, and if it does end up happening, with a full charged static link I dont think it would make any difference.

As far as static link giving away your position, I usually find once somebody realizes I have them static linked and I'm invisible, they run the other way and I've gotta chase them down. I haven't had anybody really put in good effort to counter me yet.

I'm level 10 I've got about 155 hours on my game so its working well with me at my level, I knew people wouldn't be sure about the tranquil boots but I find it much more useful then phase boots or power treads to be honest. It gets used a couple times a game and saves me trips back to base and my life so I find them to be valuable.

I don't see why people try to buff dmg with razor when the static link is so effective. I honestly completely forget about dmg with razor and haven't had a problem at all, static link is really what makes razor, razor. Hence why I dont find phase boots to be particularily reliable, especially with the small speed buff it gives which I almost find almost useless. +75 movement speed permanent with tranquil boots is much better in my opinion especially with its very cheap pricetag. Although I can see why people would choose phase.

However thanks for reading my guide and thanks to the guy who said he tried it out. Hope some people here have success with this guide. If anybody has more to add let me know.
Sando (118) | October 17, 2013 6:31am
Think this would work well in lower level matchmaking, but you are going to have problems with that kind of raw build against more experienced players (i.e. ones who will buy detection and use AOE spells against invis). Unfortunately the link does give your position away while invisible - so while they can't target you directly, anything at the ground can still hit/stun/damage you.

Invisible != Invulnerable

Not entirely sure about the Tranquil Boots either, they're very good as long as you're not taking too many hits, but you might be in trouble if they revert. Still, as suggested, if you maybe added in a Drum of Endurance along the way it'll help you survive in more difficult situations.
samukobo (28) | October 17, 2013 5:14am
Your skill for level 10 is missing, probably meant for the first level of Unstable Current.
Glenn T (1) | October 17, 2013 4:52am
Followed this build for the first time and lost the game, but didn't feed and was at a decent 7/3 early game so I think I'll just blame my team. Nice guide.
saifthedestroyer (6) | October 17, 2013 4:29am
I like the idea but IMO its not reliable enough :-\ any sort of detection will screw this build over but the rest of the items are okay. I suggest adding a drums to the item list and refresher to luxury :-)
Illumination0110 (2) | October 17, 2013 3:59am
Hmm ... Interesting ...
Pretty straight-forward guide on one way of playing Razor.
I actually did want to make a Shadowblade build on my own Razor guide which is not finished for quite a while. Maybe I'll have this one reading for a while :)
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