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A good support morph requires very little to any gold and can be played as a 5.
You can get cour, 2 wards, a ring of protection, and a tango from the get go.
You obviously try and max your adaptive strike at level 7. You will have little to no lane control or harass to speak of. Do what you can to stack camps for your carry. It helps if you have a tri lane as it takes some of the pressure off of you to zone out. Support morph is great mid game and works best with carries that aren't farm intensive (i.e. Anti-Mage) and have good quick times to kill (Phantom Assassin, Templar Assassin, and so forth).
the only items you need are mana boots and blade mail. Getting a scepter depends on the abilities of your teammates. The ring of protection can become ring of bas if you figure you can eventually get a medallion of Courage and disassemble. You are going to have a ton of hp but no armor, which this build fixes. It is also funny popping blademail with all that HP and getting kills with it.
Once you have mana boots your mana issues are solves, and are much cheaper than the tranq + soul ring combo. Eventually you roam and drop 4.25 second stuns on enemies (and if you have medallion of courage melt their armor) and get assist gold.
When BKB comes into play you can't stun the bkb user but you can put their supporting cast out of a fight for 4.25 seconds. Also don't underestimate the power of replicants when pushing high ground. They take the same damage as who you copy so it is much harder for them to know what target is real.
With this support morph you will have a ton of hp, a lot of armor eventually, no mana problems, a great stun, lots of escape (makes you a great gem holder), and can literally morph into a "carry" if needed.
Finally with Alchemist becoming much more popular with radiance it should be noted how well it works with and against morphling. Morph can copy an allied Alchemist and use the radiance copy to push and get gold for morph, but the bonus gold STILL goes to the alchemist. Now if you replicate an enemy alchemist with radiance you get regular gold and the greed gold, not too shabby.
Very nice! +1
I have a question: Has anyone used
I guess you can invis in, shotgun, then replicate out.
This helps you to pick off a squishy hero from the big group without getting demolished.
I usually replace
Please give feedback on this!
This was me a year ago. Wow. I sucked.
Anyway, you should probably do a build on support
EDIT: NEver mind, I saw it.
I get an early
I am grateful for your feedback.
Yes early morbid mask is valid because you can easily get lost in the jungle and due to kickass as +armor you can survive in jungle,however its not worth upgrading into
There is a jungling technique (Azen used to do) with
Not ideal but for public I guess its pretty valid
First time playing morph, used this guide.
Game was ****ty, but not really due to skill or build.
Shotgun is too much fun.
Ever since shifting snow update, I have been playtesting support Morphling for quite the while, with a build of 1-3-2-2-2-1-2-1-1. A 4.25 second stun at level 7 is really sick especially considering its massive cast range and non-disjointability. Tranquils and Soul Ring solves all the Mana problem to spam Adaptive Strike for its stun. Afterwards it can go ahead and transition to a carry if it has to, or go full support with hex stick and Shivas.
Its valid in public I cant disagree to that ,but why would u pick a low ranged support which cant harass and even if it harass its harass is pretty low damage.
If you want something with stun try potm for example ,may not the same stun but quite reliable harass
I'd advise you to change the title of this guide to actually match the time you updated the guide, as it kinda lowers the appeal of the guide.
I'd say that you need
well to be honest if you go for shotgun Bot you dont need it you are everywhere and back to fountain in no time so its kinda useless out of combat .
You could profit from dominated creep and it could give you an earlier roshan but aside than that .
And also dont forget that lifesteal needs to be at least 4th item to be a diffrence maker .