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6 Votes

Fun guide for not being a tryhard

November 22, 2014 by Zeus2459
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hofelixho | November 24, 2014 2:15am
Well, I can't say that this build is super bad, some are still using it, although early Refresher Orb is not quite an option. And Satanic? No wayyyyy... XD . I suggest you change the build to PT > Hand of Midas > Blink Dagger > Desolator > ***asult Cuirass > Whatever . Dont waste your cash on Helm of the Dominator, better switch to Hand of Midas. And btw, why Green Floaty Ghost? XD
Vascor | November 23, 2014 11:02am
Well a decent guide...i can't really complain as im a casual WK player...but from basic knowladge of him i know that a BLACK KING BAR is a must on him...also Refresher is a bad item..please..just..don' basycly a nerf to his skills since if you use your stun more then once (in most cases you wont even have enough for the first stun since you will be out of mana) you wont have enough mana for ulty..not even talking bout how much it costs to use refresher. So yea..decent but add BKB since any not brain dead enimes will try and stun lock you, other then that pretty good. Long live the Green Floaty Ghost
Kyphoid returns (42) | November 23, 2014 9:50am
Thats how you troll with WK and refresher
Krwiozerca (34) | November 23, 2014 9:29am

TO each his own my friend. Dont flame him. Either he will adjust it to a jungle build or change the items. Give him a chance


Lackness of Black King Bar in your skill build makes me sad. Another thing is formatting. You were actually putting images instead of making links to the DotaFIRE database. Read me.

Refresher Orb doesn't give you pretty much 3 lives, because it often "gives" you only 1 life.
When smart enemies will see, that you have Refresher Orb, they will focus on draining your mana, and the most suitable hero will make Diffusal Blade (if they don't have any hero that can drain mana). You also won't be able to stun, use refresher and then still have mana for Reincarnation. It is very, very unlikely. I wouldn't even recommend that for a troll/fun item. It is a frustrating item on him. You have to literally do maths to survive, and your damage will be unsignificant (or just worse compared to what you could get instead).

I know that this is a guide for no try-hards, but regular player is someone, who is casual, who doesn't really care about the game? I would like to know how you define "non try-hards".

For now I didn't yet vote. Waiting for improvements. Good luck!
Kyphoid returns (42) | November 23, 2014 8:48am
NumbSchiller wrote:

Sorry but this is a horrible build...
Go max lifesteal and jungle forever is the standard noob play.
While you are playing SimDota your team gets raped 4v5 and as soon as you come out of the jungle you wont steamroll anybody cause everybody on the enemy team is just twice as farmed as you are.
Why would go into the jungle farming if you can farm a lane? And later farm a lane and the jungle.

Refresher is not legit on WK. If there is at least one guy in your enemy team with some kind of a brain he will steal your mana (lion, am, silencer, od) and suddenly you wasted 5.2k gold.

Other bad points: No bkb, not enough damage
Please dont use this build in a serious game!

TO each his own my friend. Dont flame him. Either he will adjust it to a jungle build or change the items. Give him a chance
NumbSchiller | November 23, 2014 8:45am
Sorry but this is a horrible build...
Go max lifesteal and jungle forever is the standard noob play.
While you are playing SimDota your team gets raped 4v5 and as soon as you come out of the jungle you wont steamroll anybody cause everybody on the enemy team is just twice as farmed as you are.
Why would go into the jungle farming if you can farm a lane? And later farm a lane and the jungle.

Refresher is not legit on WK. If there is at least one guy in your enemy team with some kind of a brain he will steal your mana (lion, am, silencer, od) and suddenly you wasted 5.2k gold.

Other bad points: No bkb, not enough damage
Please dont use this build in a serious game!
Kyphoid returns (42) | November 23, 2014 2:05am
A 3-1-1-1 build is the way for lane wraith king.
I suggest a wand early game lets you habe tjat mana for reincarnation.

I think satanic is a substandard choide on him. an AC suits him better given hes so tanky innately. He already ha 2k hp on his own. Give him the armor it goes better than stackimg hp. Over 2k.
The lifesteal imho is a waste. You already have an aura that lets you get a UAM. I would rather make Diffusal Blade

And why no BKB?. Without it you will just get stunned to death twice.
KoDyAbAbA (65) | November 23, 2014 1:20am
no bkb,no upvote :c
Dimonychan (43) | November 22, 2014 11:24pm
Hamstertamer wrote:

Well the items are OK, indeed rushing �  Blink Dagger is a pretty good way to play him and the other items are alright. Just a few points :

- Refresher Orb is a troll item. At least mention it, I don't want new players starting to play refresher WK and throwing games. You probably won't even have the mana to use it! Not to mention that enemies will try to burn your mana anyways.

- The skill build is...bad, honestly. There's really no point to ever max vampiric aura except if you're jungling. It pushes the lane, and you really don't need lifesteal early game. Max Wraithfire Blast first and the crit second pls.

Refresher Orb is legit as a sixth slot, but the guide offers getting it indeed too early. Also, 30% lifesteal is in 90% cases enough on him, you can't regenerate good if you can't hit good, and Blink+Basher will just not work because it lacks some damage item inbetween(before Blink).
Hamstertamer (89) | November 22, 2014 11:05pm
Well the items are OK, indeed rushing   Blink Dagger is a pretty good way to play him and the other items are alright. Just a few points :

- Refresher Orb is a troll item. At least mention it, I don't want new players starting to play refresher WK and throwing games. You probably won't even have the mana to use it! Not to mention that enemies will try to burn your mana anyways.

- The skill build is...bad, honestly. There's really no point to ever max vampiric aura except if you're jungling. It pushes the lane, and you really don't need lifesteal early game. Max Wraithfire Blast first and the crit second pls.
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