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Fun build

February 17, 2015 by Voided quiver
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Strange but op and fun Lycan build

DotA2 Hero: Lycan

Hero Skills

Apex Predator (Innate)

Summon Wolves

1 4 5 9 10


7 8 13 15

Feral Impulse

2 3 11 12


6 14 17


16 18


This is a new build that I made with lycan and I found it really fun and strong. I made it when I was playing against my brother and it made him rage hope you enjoy and read all of the chapters. ;)

To start

Buy the parts for all of the items[/b] above because in the low change that you die you lose money but don't lose (most) items.first you buy arcane boots for the small amounts of mana you need.

Once you have arcane boots

Still early on it the game you should start buying a medallion of courage this if for ether your wolves for farm when you are on low health or for fast bursts of damage if you use it on your enemy's

After the medallion you should get some extra firepower

Once you have the medallion you need more strength to make you more useful and get more farm,you can do this by getting a black king bar because the black king bar gives you more strength and damage if you use level 4 wolves and your shape shift ability with black king bar active you can do some serious damage,if you are agains sniper his assassination gas a chance to be blocked when you have black king bar active

Need more attack speed to deal crazy damage

Assault Curtis adds 55 attack speed to lycan this allows you to take out enemy's almost instantly when chained with all abilities,black kings bar and the medallion you deal huge amounts of damage

More minions!!!

Now that lycan is so strong you can start buying and upgrading a necronomocon so you can summon demons so you can get extra farm when you are healing. For TONS!! Of farm while you are at base after a battle you can Simmons wolves and demons then use howl to strengthen them.

Now you should have a fully upgraded necronomocon you need a...

SHADOW BLADE!! If you have a shadow blade you can become invisible that means you can summon your wolves and sneak up on someone like they can't run you can summon demons behind them and the wolves attack in front and then you activate the black king bar and medallion pop off your ultimate howl and unleash the pain

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