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4 Votes

Fully Fletched Jungling Lifestealer

October 5, 2015 by Galaxyrunner
Comments: 3    |    Views: 15952    |   

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bucknutz12 | October 7, 2015 5:11pm
I agree with apaz... I start with feast first, then get 1 point in ow and rage. Then a second in feast. I wont add another point in feast until rage and ow is maxed. OW gives you 50% life steal... Use that to recover health if jungling. I prefer two gloves of haste. gives you 40 as, and can be built into different items. Also no ARMLET???? AC before Mj.. AS and Armor.. That aura is nice as well... it's like a built in desolator
Blubbles (13) | October 7, 2015 4:13pm
if you add two brackets on either side of items / skills / heroes/ etc. then it will look like this: Lifestealer. Adds a quick link as well as making it more readable.

If you put "icon=*hero/item/skill/etc.* size=*good sizes are 35 - 75*" between single brackets it makes it look like this:

doing "rule" in single brackets does:

Also you should add color and try underlining, italics, and bold
apaz (17) | October 5, 2015 5:35pm
I know that there isn't an agreed-upon ability build for Lifestealer, but max Feast is still really bad. One or two points is good enough for sustain in jungle, and it isn't going to deal a significant amount of damage until late game.
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