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33 Votes

FTW Slark, the Nightcrawler [6.81]

May 10, 2014 by DzikaPanda
Comments: 38    |    Views: 259079    |   

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dildo gaggings | November 11, 2015 10:34am
so ive been playing a bit with this and it worked really well,

slarks ulti is crazy, one of the best so far, it has raized my run speed to 500 so nobody can catch me and also pretty good hp regen,

i also recomend buying shadow blade becouse the ulti invis doesnt last long

but overall a good build
Bjorn Jeweet | November 6, 2014 9:51am
Best slark build ever,

If the team isn't 2 noob I can't loose with slark and this build :D
Bjorn Jeweet | November 6, 2014 9:51am
Best slark build ever,

If the team isn't 2 noob I can't loose with slark and this build :D
Bjorn Jeweet | November 6, 2014 9:51am
Best slark build ever,

If the team isn't 2 noob I can't loose with slark and this build :D
Bjorn Jeweet | November 6, 2014 9:51am
Best slark build ever,

If the team isn't 2 noob I can't loose with slark and this build :D
Neidres | August 24, 2014 9:07pm
Nice guide!
I must say one thing though: Why a full Mjollnir as core?
(Slark is also my most successful hero) I normally take a hyperstone into Skadi, not a full Mjollnir. I just don't see it being so needed to have an effect. Also, it's cheaper than Skadi by 50 gold and it's also easier to assemble, I can see that much...
I hope you can understand what I'm tryin to say, english ain't my primary language.

P.S: How did you make the skill tables?
lazarilho | August 1, 2014 6:22am
Hi, despite its outdated, i will try this build for sure :)
DzikaPanda (16) | June 20, 2014 3:16am
Tigerre wrote:

A couple of mistakes with spelling/grammar, so you should fix those. Something that annoys me about a lot of builds is they ban items... Literally every hero can but literally every item in the game, so don't ban items instead give reasons when they would be viable, so say if you want to pick up a Divine, you're generally going to want a Satanic beforehand for the ****ing epic lifesteal :D Oh, and add BF to the build, BF is the perfect counter to pushing lineups.

Sorry man I'm noob englando, also it's my first guide ever on dotofire and I had like 1k games less then, so it may contain some lower tier **** when I look at it now. I will try to fix it a little when I have some time.
Tigerre (4) | June 20, 2014 12:57am
A couple of mistakes with spelling/grammar, so you should fix those. Something that annoys me about a lot of builds is they ban items... Literally every hero can but literally every item in the game, so don't ban items instead give reasons when they would be viable, so say if you want to pick up a Divine, you're generally going to want a Satanic beforehand for the ****ing epic lifesteal :D Oh, and add BF to the build, BF is the perfect counter to pushing lineups.
mbrayez | June 5, 2014 2:37am
Great guide
but one notice, i thinks Orb of Venom (Eye Of Skadi) is a unique attack modifier and don't stack with Diffusal Blade. Right??
i need your oppinion on Armlet item on Slark, did you test it on him

many thanks
RetroWizard | May 27, 2014 9:15pm
Great and simple guide 1+
Treutreu (1) | May 26, 2014 11:47am
I really don't think that Track and amplify damage are that bad for Slark, these just need a purge, and you can then regen without worries. However I think 6.79 Thirst deserves a special mention, as you'll need some form of invis to regen if below half hp.
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