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5 Votes

Frost, Watch

November 7, 2012 by Watcher
Comments: 15    |    Views: 15307    |   

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Mirror (22) | November 13, 2012 5:40pm
Oops I do not normal swear. I hate you spell check. SHORT STICK. STICK!
Mirror (22) | November 9, 2012 8:02pm
I love you item build. It happens to me every game. I think Crystal maiden either draws the short **** with warding or REALLY likes the river. Not very many guilds have a touch of humor like you. +1 even if the content was bad. (it is not)
Watcher (5) | November 8, 2012 2:29pm
PotM_Plz wrote:

I like you Watcher. You have been a great addition. The guides are not only informative, but funny too c: +1

thanks! :) i try to write fun and good guides!
PotM_Plz (19) | November 8, 2012 2:11pm
I like you Watcher. You have been a great addition. The guides are not only informative, but funny too c: +1
Watcher (5) | November 8, 2012 6:02am
wilddeonpwn wrote:

I think the Core (OR SO THEY THINK!) item section is unnecessary, I don't see why it needs to be there. Please, please put a single skill point into freeing field at lv1 6! You need at least one point into it before the team-fight era (Early-Mid game) as it helps a lot in team-fights. I understand how initiating with Crystal Maiden is a very bad idea, but I'm not saying that, I'm saying for you to go in after your main initiator and cast Freezing Field, most likely you have the enemy's attention on the tank/initiator, so they get the full extent of you ultimate!
A side note is to fix up some grammar like "i" to "I" as it makes it more readable.

Thank you so much for your feedback, the community has been great! I love the discussions. The whole core (or so they think) sections was really a comedic/stressing wards comment, that's all.

Freezing Field could very much be moved up, i think you would just have to assess the flow of the game, improper use of the ability can get you killed very easily early game. Only reason i would suggest it later in the game, for new users.(when you have a better team structure around you)
Watcher (5) | November 8, 2012 5:59am
Sp12 wrote:

Why would you ever need mana boots? Tranquils and your aura are good enough.

Also, you will never get the farm for any of those items. Bracers.

If you ever get that cash the game is long over. Consider other extensions like Euls which might actually happen in an actual game.

It is very possible to attain the core i listed.
wilddeonpwn (102) | November 7, 2012 11:23pm
Hey Watcher, it seems you have made another guide! Time for some feedback:

First off, nice job on writing the guide (again) as it might of been time-consuming.

I think the Core (OR SO THEY THINK!) item section is unnecessary, I don't see why it needs to be there. Please, please put a single skill point into freeing field at lv1 6! You need at least one point into it before the team-fight era (Early-Mid game) as it helps a lot in team-fights. I understand how initiating with Crystal Maiden is a very bad idea, but I'm not saying that, I'm saying for you to go in after your main initiator and cast Freezing Field, most likely you have the enemy's attention on the tank/initiator, so they get the full extent of you ultimate!
A side note is to fix up some grammar like "i" to "I" as it makes it more readable.

Nevertheless, another guide by you, well done, it has nice content and I think new people will understand how to play her. +1
Sp12 (25) | November 7, 2012 5:29pm
Why would you ever need mana boots? Tranquils and your aura are good enough.

Also, you will never get the farm for any of those items. Bracers.

If you ever get that cash the game is long over. Consider other extensions like Euls which might actually happen in an actual game.
Watcher (5) | November 7, 2012 8:16am
amigosu wrote:

The problem with writting a guide for Cristal Maiden, Lich, Venomancer and other supports that don't really need items, it's that every single game you should do a different build and strategy. Your objective is complementing your team and work to deny the enemy team strategy. For example, you have to change your skillbuild, itembuild, wards placement and strategy if your team have some really good heros for push.
I had never saw a guide for support heros that contemplates that changes. My suggestion for your guide is focus in real game situations, diferent skillbuilds and itembuilds, and where you should place wards.

O i completely agree!!! but to be honest i think most people read guides to get an idea on what to start with! there are so many situations to cover them all would be almost impossible! that is why i try promote concept and practice over, concrete play like this and you will win every game.

good advice though i will see how i can work on my structuring
Hades4u (296) | November 7, 2012 8:13am
Watcher wrote:

Thanks man! i hope i am improving to your standards lol Hades4u good stuff!

No problem, an improvement would be to make the guide more appealing, it looks pretty blank and 'boring' to read, you should add some colors, bold text, images and such.

There's an awesome tutorial about formatting which you can find here.
amigosu | November 7, 2012 8:11am
The problem with writting a guide for Cristal Maiden, Lich, Venomancer and other supports that don't really need items, it's that every single game you should do a different build and strategy. Your objective is complementing your team and work to deny the enemy team strategy. For example, you have to change your skillbuild, itembuild, wards placement and strategy if your team have some really good heros for push.
I had never saw a guide for support heros that contemplates that changes. My suggestion for your guide is focus in real game situations, diferent skillbuilds and itembuilds, and where you should place wards.
Watcher (5) | November 7, 2012 8:08am
Hades4u wrote:

The single damage difference between Crystal Nova and Frostbite is 40, that's not too much, but keeping Crystal Nova at level 1 is enough, 3.5 slow is enough at early levels, also, if you don't level up Frostbite, it won't be effective enough. That 3 seconds kind of stun from Frostbite means 100% kill if you have a good team. Also, 3.5 seconds of slow is more than enough, you don't need to deal damage at all anyway, your role is to support your team, let them deal the damage and get kills, you just keep them alive and keep the enemies in place.


Thanks man! i hope i am improving to your standards lol Hades4u good stuff!
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