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Will you update the guide with a Aghinim's Scepter build when 6.78 update get added to the DotA 2 client?
Yeah thanks for reminding me will do just now.
What do you think about the
I think straight orchid malevolance is way too risky.You are paper and you have no escape mechanism.
Of course your right click potential becomes high and in a 1v1 situation orchid is great but I dont think you profit much from mana regen. I think your job is to kill and comeback and kill again.
Normally I would add a bottle to silencer but since most middle laners have higher mobility than silencer and greater use of runes I dont like bottle on silencer.
Nice that you have many alternative builds for
Also I would suggest you consider buying an early
Also there are some pro matches with
Also I found out that contrary to popular belief curse of the silent is far from useless late-game: Strength and agility heroes with low manapool and few spells will almost inevitably get a big portion of their mana drained if
Also I really love the force staff into optional blink dager. Funny to see that silencer doing the chasing to clean up after a team fight.
Great guide, but I do agree with the colors.