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21 Votes

From the ultimate silencer I return (6.81 update)

May 4, 2014 by GGnet.Ace
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ArzAzrul92 | May 6, 2014 10:35pm
I love to play Silencerz !!
GGnet.Ace (4) | June 9, 2013 3:38pm

Will you update the guide with a Aghinim's Scepter build when 6.78 update get added to the DotA 2 client?

Yeah thanks for reminding me will do just now.
Catkillerfive | June 1, 2013 6:42pm
Will you update the guide with a Aghinim's Scepter build when 6.78 update get added to the DotA 2 client?
GGnet.Ace (4) | May 18, 2013 9:55pm

What do you think about the Orchid Malevolence rush build? It's pretty common on Heroes like Storm Spirit and Queen of Pain, plus it improves your low attack speed. I usually build it right before a Rod of Atos if I manage to get many kills, they make up for the lack of instant disables and give survivability and attack damage.

I think straight orchid malevolance is way too risky.You are paper and you have no escape mechanism.
Of course your right click potential becomes high and in a 1v1 situation orchid is great but I dont think you profit much from mana regen. I think your job is to kill and comeback and kill again.
Normally I would add a bottle to silencer but since most middle laners have higher mobility than silencer and greater use of runes I dont like bottle on silencer.
Tikru8 (4) | May 16, 2013 7:38am
Some formatting would be nice, please use [[ name of thing or hero here ] ] instead of colors, your text looks a bit messy due to this.

Nice that you have many alternative builds for Silencer but where is Rod of Atos?
Also I would suggest you consider buying an early Void Stone if you are in a lane where if you spamming your curse of the silent and Last Word in the laning phase would demolish the opposition. Viper is a perfect example of a hero that Silencer can and should spam to (near) death in-lane: Viper has only 1 spell which he only gets at level 6 ( Viper Strike). This means that if you can continiously spam Last Wordand curse of the silent then Viper is **@& - at least until Viper gets an Aghanim's Scepter (cooldown on Viper Strike gets reduced to 12 seconds).

Also there are some pro matches with Silencer - even the updated version, see

Also I found out that contrary to popular belief curse of the silent is far from useless late-game: Strength and agility heroes with low manapool and few spells will almost inevitably get a big portion of their mana drained if Silencer times CotS well in teamfights. This can be really nasty especially for heroes that have some crucial survival skill such as skeleton king's Reincarnation or Brewmaster's Primal Split. In my last Viper vs Silencer encounter I stomped Silencer late-game but he still made my Manta Style useless because I never had enough mana for it -even though I had Aghanim's Scepter!
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | May 16, 2013 4:37am
What do you think about the Orchid Malevolence rush build? It's pretty common on Heroes like Storm Spirit and Queen of Pain, plus it improves your low attack speed. I usually build it right before a Rod of Atos if I manage to get many kills, they make up for the lack of instant disables and give survivability and attack damage.
soyacan (1) | May 9, 2013 3:55pm
+1 I'm not a big fan of silencer, but this guide made me wanna try him :)
Mazer Rackham (1) | April 11, 2013 8:08pm
When I solo mid I have found it pretty viable to rush midas AND still be able to kill the other mid / heavy harass. If you can harass them enough with glaives and your spells you can get a silence/curse enough to finish them off without having to chase so putting off boots can be viable and allow the midas rush. Midas allows you to use on a hard camp creep and really get a level advantage. This is purely a pub tactic but I have found it to be fun.

Also I really love the force staff into optional blink dager. Funny to see that silencer doing the chasing to clean up after a team fight.
Zurek (1) | February 15, 2013 4:11pm

Great guide, but I do agree with the colors.
Yoda (9) | February 14, 2013 2:30am
love the guide. i'm a huge silencer fan but the colors are annoying in the item explanation other than that, liked the last item build. just change those colors where i pointed, it's not so pleasing to look at, go for more organized colors (rainbow, only light, only dark, shades of x color)
VMF Kaiser | February 11, 2013 7:46am
A good guid, man. Thanks!
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