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6 Votes

FRESH MEAT!!!(the items explanation is not yet finished)

September 9, 2012 by TinySmahed
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NotSureIf (16) | September 9, 2012 12:53pm
I know that Flesh Heap is retroactive. That's my preference is all, having it early but yeah it's all good :)
Hades4u (296) | September 9, 2012 7:55am
I agree with Tiny, Flesh Heap should be leveled up at level 10. You need all the damage you can get early game. So you can gather 'stacks' for the Flesh Heap and gold for your Hood of Defiance -> Pipe of Insight.
TinySmahed (2) | September 9, 2012 4:08am
OK thanks for all the feedback ok
@lilpro i already changed the starting items
@sarcyn ok ill do my best to do that
@wilddeonpwn umm im waiting for more feedbacks so if im wrong with the items i can change it easier
@NotSureIf flesh heap is retroactive which means the effects are stacked even before you skilled it.example: you killed 3 heroes before you get to lvl 10 after lvling up fleshheap, you will still gain its effects you will get 3 strength
NotSureIf (16) | September 8, 2012 11:08pm
I suggest that you get an early level in Flesh Heap. As you will be ganking a lot as Pudge it's quite handy to have at least one level there so you get that strength gain from every kill or assist. In saying that you could easily swap the point in level 4 from Rot to Flesh Heap as the slow will remain the same so your team can still help get those kills to stack up your strength. That aside I also noticed that Force Staff is situational and Pipe of Insight is luxury. I don't think you would grab a Pipe if the other team didn't have magic damage - which most have anyway - however I think I'd prefer Force Staff there for an escape and to shove enemies towards you to force team fights. This provides you with 2 methods of initiation as you can either....
  • Hook a single hero towards your team
  • Force staff them to force a team fight

Alternatively if you have an AOE damage hero such as Tidehunter who is lacking a Blink Dagger you could communicate to them and use your force to shove them in to utilize their AOE. Nice guide nevertheless. +1 from me.
wilddeonpwn (102) | September 8, 2012 9:23pm
maybe you should publish it when it is finished?
Sarcy (27) | September 8, 2012 8:51pm
I would agree here with LiLPr0, having said that it would be on you to figure out what you will be facing in mid and make adjustments to your build as you see fit.

I would like to see more info here as Pudge is a hero that a lot of new players will look at. Who doesn't want to play the big decaying fat guy who farts to kill people?!
  • Your role as a ganker and how to gank effectively.
  • How to throw hooks properly and where some good hook spots are on the map.
  • Your role as an intiator in team fights

Just a few ideas, you have the makings of a good guide here, look forward to seeing what you do with it!
LiLPr0 (9) | September 8, 2012 8:45pm
Quelling Blade isnt really that good considering how much **** you will take vs dominant mid heroes like Queen of Pain and Viper. More stats or another salve would probably be sufficient until you get your bottle.
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