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22 Votes

Fresh Meat! Advanced Pudge Tips/Tactics(Updated for 6.84)

July 6, 2015 by LeGentleman
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Tshirt | April 6, 2016 6:27am
This is one of best Pudge guide I ever read, thank you LeGentleman
LeGentleman (2) | March 13, 2015 6:40pm
Tigerre wrote:

I'm not crazy... I just hear voices and see things :D

Now, since I got that part aside...

When you play a lvl 1 roaming or a support Pudge you generally want Flesh hook lvl 1 so you can pull the enemy out of position. I am aware that it's considered "Noobish" to get Flesh Hook at lvl 1, but due to the range buff (1000 at lvl 1 if I remember correctly) Pudge started to be played as a support, getting that Flesh Hook lvl 1

Actually, as roaming pudge, the slow provided from Rot will assist you MUCH more than the hook will. Unless the lane you are killing already has a strong lvl 1 slow(Ignite, Arctic Burn, Upheaval, Crystal Nova, etc.) Rot will finish the job much more easily. Early kills are less about positioning and more about the amount of disables you can inflict upon your opponent. If you get hook lvl1, even if you hook someone, there is a very large possibility they will escape completely unscathed. Sometimes its acceptable to get hook 1v11 to save an ally, but usually rot is a better choice. What i typically do is hold the point for as long as possible until i know what i'll need.
Tigerre (4) | March 13, 2015 6:39am
Smuggels wrote:

apart from cray cray guy above^^^^^^

maybe add some advanced hooks

- creep death hooks
- hit box margin hooks
- blind hooking
- choke points
- shift queing hooks
- prediction hooks

I'm not crazy... I just hear voices and see things :D

Now, since I got that part aside...

When you play a lvl 1 roaming or a support Pudge you generally want Flesh hook lvl 1 so you can pull the enemy out of position. I am aware that it's considered "Noobish" to get Flesh Hook at lvl 1, but due to the range buff (1000 at lvl 1 if I remember correctly) Pudge started to be played as a support, getting that Flesh Hook lvl 1
Perverted-Kappa | August 29, 2014 10:47pm
Great Guide Upvoted!
picking up Euls on him is FUN :D
LeGentleman (2) | August 29, 2014 12:58pm
Eon_Theory wrote:

I hate Pudge guides which act like there is 3 items you get every game, in this case "Choose One: BoT, Blink, Force Staff" Repeat. When you could need Tranquils if you are low on gold or Arcanes if there is a mana draining hero. Sometimes Pipe is necessary if there are a large majority of magic nukes like Zeus, Skywrath etc.

This guide is less about the build, and more about his playstyle and tactics. You should ALWAYS adapt your build to fit needs depending on the game regardless of your default build when the need arises.
Eon_Theory (2) | August 26, 2014 4:56pm
I hate Pudge guides which act like there is 3 items you get every game, in this case "Choose One: BoT, Blink, Force Staff" Repeat. When you could need Tranquils if you are low on gold or Arcanes if there is a mana draining hero. Sometimes Pipe is necessary if there are a large majority of magic nukes like Zeus, Skywrath etc.
TheSofa (54) | August 25, 2014 7:22pm
Smuggels wrote:

apart from cray cray guy above^^^^^^

maybe add some advanced hooks

- creep death hooks
- hit box margin hooks
- blind hooking
- choke points
- shift queing hooks
- prediction hooks

Yeah, choke points would be nice. Then I can use it for my Mirana guide. xD
Smuggels (82) | August 25, 2014 7:18pm
apart from cray cray guy above^^^^^^

maybe add some advanced hooks

- creep death hooks
- hit box margin hooks
- blind hooking
- choke points
- shift queing hooks
- prediction hooks
Tigerre (4) | August 25, 2014 3:12am
Have you ever tried Arcane Boots on Pudge? It works a charm, and alongside the Urn of Shadows that you must get you neverhave to go back to the fountain again, and with Bottle no one can stop you...

TRY Bloodstone!

It actually works on Pudge! It solves the late-game issue of 120 sec res-times and massive loss of gold and all dat mana issue, and it lets you suicide if against someone like Silencer or Drow Ranger who can make it so you can't Rot yourself to death!


Rudd (3) | June 29, 2014 3:06pm
To quote the almighty dendushki, lord of pudge: you can buy any tier 2 boots for Pudge. Also after Urn and Force Staff you don't need to worry anymore with mana, specially if one of your teammates has Arcane Boots which is always the case.

You could also add a small description of hook canceling. It is one thing most unexperienced Pudge players cant do and its actually very useful to force the target to decide where to dodge before you actually hook
Ab4ddon._.E43 (12) | June 29, 2014 9:57am

About the late game items: I always hate people who go Heart of Tarrasque on Pudge before buying armor, it's a waste of money considering you already get extra HP from Flesh Heap and regen from the Urn of Shadows


I knew exactly what I was gonna type before even opening the guide, HEART IS STRICTLY REJECTED, you have ENOUGH str from the overbuffed flesh heap, JUST GET A SHIVAS and you are all set.

Make it a rule of thumb, never get hp items on pudge, always utility and mana.
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